New Orleans Saints



Man those boys put on a show and put a lot of pain or just a good old ass whipping on those hossier boys , like my buddy jerry graves had on his rifle, so HOSSIER UR DADDY now,,,,, that what happens when you play with fire, congrads to the NEW ORLEANS SAINTS , for winning the superbowl..........WHO DAT, WHO DAT!!!!

I happen to live over a tavern, and don't have a TV, so dinner and the Super Bowl were enjoyed down stairs. As the game progressed it was clear that the bar was a Saints bar. My sentiments exactly, though a Pats fan at heart. Plus I won the 3rd quarter pool. Dinner, a couple pints, my team winning, and $65 to boot.! Now what little bit can I buy on ebay for my sweet 52s? Charles
Charles, looks like you had a great had the right team, numbers on the pool and so on.... i did also win on a pool , i went in half on a square with a buddy and we split 2500.00 dollars .. might just be able to buy a case of ammo, with my share , if the price dont go up any more.......Scotty:):):)
Gotta admit I'm a Colts fan but it was a good game, hell of a kickoff call, changed the whole game around, congrats Scotty.
The weather man says there are some record setting blizzards coming down from the north. He attributes it to hell freezing over. Geaux Saints!
Man those boys put on a show and put a lot of pain or just a good old ass whipping on those hossier boys , like my buddy jerry graves had on his rifle, so HOSSIER UR DADDY now,,,,, that what happens when you play with fire, congrads to the NEW ORLEANS SAINTS , for winning the superbowl..........WHO DAT, WHO DAT!!!!

Scotty you should have your mouth washed with soap! You need to seriously brush up on your redneck! WHUPPIN!:D:D:D Not whipping!

Scotty, you sure have a Louisiana last name. Any relation to Bobby Hebert?
Actually it was Texas millionaire John Mecom who poured the original Texas money into them.
yes. much better than that longhorn QB , what a whimp, daddy had to protect him......THE biggest game of his life , hurt his little arm and the rest was history, that was sum funny stuff.......:D
Don't get me wrong here, cause I am, always have been, and always will be a diehard, true Red, White & Blue, Patriots fan through and through. But, on Sunday I was routing for the SAINTS Bigtime just to see Mr. Manning go home with his tail between his legs one more time, plus to help deflate any chance of having to see his puss smeared all over the TV afterwards. Did you hear that loss probably costing him in the area of ±$3 mil just from lost endorsements? Poor Baby, Boo Hoo!

My feeling is, and has been since that 3rd quarter of the Colt's first loss of the season (to the Jets???) when their own coach had taken away any chance of them finishing out the season with an undefeated record by pulling their starters, that they were done. What a boner move! Did you see look in Manning's eyes as the end of that game neared? You could tell his spirit had been broken. And so went the end of their season.

Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints, and to all of their fans for having experienced a storybook ending to the most watched Super Bowl of all times.

Dave Shattuck
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Tail between his legs ?

I have never seen Peyton run with his tail between his legs.

He has been a true sportsman in every game I have seen him play.

Always shakes hands and talks to players on the other team win or lose.

Love him or hate him, he is a good sport.

He doesn't head for the locker room after getting his butt beat like Mr. Brady.....or Belichick.

Too much media hype about being the greatest quarterback in so many years
has made some enemies for him.

Your mileage may vary, and of course, the only real sport left is Professional Wrestling !
Mike, no redneck here,,, 110 percent cajun coonass,,, the rednecks are from shreveport ,la northward... If i were to spell our language here on the board no one would understand,,,, But a redneck is not all that bad if you compare it to a hillbilly:eek:... if you get my drift.....Scotty(cajun coonass) Hebert:D:D:D be good my friend...
Mike, no redneck here,,, 110 percent cajun coonass,,, the rednecks are from shreveport ,la northward... If i were to spell our language here on the board no one would understand,,,, But a redneck is not all that bad if you compare it to a hillbilly:eek:... if you get my drift.....Scotty(cajun coonass) Hebert:D:D:D be good my friend...

Now you done went and insulted me! I am one of them there hillbillys! I sometime wear shoes too! But I consider myself a true redneck! I heard that anything north of Shreveport is considered yankee? Is that true?

Yeah mike,, i guess that would be correct yankees north of shreveport. hell i think i had a pair of shoes one time ,, i got me sum white rubber boots , the coonass version of nikes or reebox:D:D
Don't get me wrong here, cause I am, always have been, and always will be a diehard, true Red, White & Blue, Patriots fan through and through. But, on Sunday I was routing for the SAINTS Bigtime just to see Mr. Manning go home with his tail between his legs one more time, plus to help deflate any chance of having to see his puss smeared all over the TV afterwards. Did you hear that loss probably costing him in the area of ±$3 mil just from lost endorsements? Poor Baby, Boo Hoo!

My feeling is, and has been since that 3rd quarter of the Colt's first loss of the season (to the Jets???) when their own coach had taken away any chance of them finishing out the season with an undefeated record by pulling their starters, that they were done. What a boner move! Did you see look in Manning's eyes as the end of that game neared? You could tell his spirit had been broken. And so went the end of their season.

Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints, and to all of their fans for having experienced a storybook ending to the most watched Super Bowl of all times.

Dave Shattuck

Let's just try and remember there Cap'n Ahab that the Colts got there without the coach cheating and Mr. Manning is probably the classiest player in the game, win, lose or draw. BTW I don't care who wins as long as it ain't the freakin Pats.....or the Red Sox.
To Tim,

Tim, It might not be such a good idea to have a New York vs Boston debate here, though, I guess now would be the best time, considering the Yankees finally won one this century! Xs and Os, Charles ("born"in the shadow of Fenway Park, except the un was on my side.)