New Lapua ammo cost, grab your knees

I'd be very surprised if it did shoot the same from lot to lot. I guess we'll know soon enough once it becomes generally available.
I would be surprised too. Shocked really. But at $25/box (at least) it must have something going for it or it will flop horribly.
At $25 a box many of us will never know how good it is.
At $25 a box many of us will never know how good it is.

Good point, but I'll try to at least find out how good one box is. I've wasted enough doing this, so I'll go at least once for $25. Thing is, I've not seen it for sale and as far as I can tell there's no trace of it on the Lapua website. When will it be introduced?
If you were at the shot show, and hang around Lapua a little you could get your hands on a little to try out, Jerry :eek::eek::D
They don't hang around on any of the local corners in my part of the world, or at least I haven't seen them. Looks like they would at least put it on the website. Maybe it isn't really happening; just a conspiracy. Like the moon landing.

If you want to politically correct and Kiss A** on your country's enemies...go right ahead. I will just despise them!
There's a difference between being a patriot and being a bigot. You are simply a bigot. And the last time I checked Canada didn't have a whole lot of enemies, so I think my country's just fine, thanks. This is completely off-topic and you're clearly a waste of time, so, good day.
I offer

my apology to the Benchrest Central members,long ago i decided to never get in a battle of wits with an unarmed individual but in the case of Shorty i forgot that fact.So..again i'm sorry and ready to discuss something that matters.
Except we weren't debating anything, heh. I was just stating how embarrassed I was for you for your display to all about how much of a bigot you were. Call me stupid all you like, doesn't bother me in the least what you have to say. The bigotry alone states all we need to know about your intellect.
Im with Colt on this one arabs?? got your panties in a bunch??Lighten up man life is to short and by the way I like my country also at least we can still own handguns in the good'ol USA JLG.
Embarrassed ?

Except we weren't debating anything, heh. I was just stating how embarrassed I was for you for your display to all about how much of a bigot you were. Call me stupid all you like, doesn't bother me in the least what you have to say. The bigotry alone states all we need to know about your intellect.

I can't imagine you being embarrassed over anything after the display of stupidity you presented for everyone to see. Take your crap somewhere else.:mad::mad:
Looks like shorty has been pickin' on Colt45 'bout like a huckleberry. He seems to just want to kick up a fuss. Probably 'cause he's short. Napolean complex I believe they call it. No reason at all for him to come on here and call a man a bigot, especially when the fellow he's sayin' that too isn't in fist throwing range. These folks might be nicer if they weren't hidin' behind a PC screen, but you never know. All the rimfire BR shooters I've ever met were fine folks, but I ain't ranged out that far. Jerry, you and Gene are both right!

PS- Anyone know when the Lapua super ammo is coming in? Me and ole Jerry McFall are planning on pooling our resourses and splitting a box of it to test.
Does anybody have any now?
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Pay no attention to Shorty. He thinks he's the only one here. He reminds me of a joke I remember years ago. :D

You said nothing wrong.

I know your a good guy, and that's all that matters to me.

Shorty can take his crap somewhere else where someone might give him the time of day if he's lucky.
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Except we weren't debating anything, heh. I was just stating how embarrassed I was for you for your display to all about how much of a bigot you were. Call me stupid all you like, doesn't bother me in the least what you have to say. The bigotry alone states all we need to know about your intellect.

Drawing your conclusions about someone you have never met (I have, and call him my buddy) tells me all I need to know about you... Take your crap somewhere else.

just a Hoser that's been gazing at the Northern Lights too long or partaking of waaaaaay too much yellow snow, heh.
Good point, but I'll try to at least find out how good one box is. I've wasted enough doing this, so I'll go at least once for $25. Thing is, I've not seen it for sale and as far as I can tell there's no trace of it on the Lapua website. When will it be introduced?

I heard it would be out first week in april:)