New IR 50/50 World Record Sporter Agg

cut rifled

New member
This weekend at the Salem P&R Club they had the State and Regional Sporter Championships.

Chris Peterson set a New Sporter World Record Agg at Yards with a 750 41X

Chris was shooting my old Sporter I sold to him a few years ago.

Anschutz 1710 action that was threaded and trued with a crooked 5R, cut rifled, Rock Creek barrel installed by Gordon Eck and with a Shehane baby tracker stock. Trigger was taken down to 3oz by Randy Gregory of Accuracy Unlimited.

Congrats Chris !!!!!


Great Shooting Chris!!
I looked & could not find the old World Record?
Is this a first? If so it will be hard to beat ;)
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I don't think tnere was one because this is the first year of state/ regional stand alone championship matches.
Fine shooting Chris.

Congratulations Chris!! It was a pleasure to watch it happen!
Chis also won the 12-Gun AGG as well!
The previous record was shot by Steve Lloyd, a 748, I believe. Set at this years Crawfish.
There was another record this weekend as well, in meters which was a 1st time for sporters. Congratulations Mel !!
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You Were cool as a cucumber. You kept it together for all three targets. Was fun to see you do it. You have been tough all year keep it up old buddy.

Wicked shooting Chris. I watched the whole thing from my shaded chair. Never saw a guy so cool shooting
in 90 degree weather. Gongrats big time
Congratulations Chris!! It made my day to see you accomplish this.

Great Shooting Chris!!
I looked & could not find the old World Record?
Is this a first? If so it will be hard to beat ;)

Steve Lloyd set the earlier this year with a 748 34. That was the first Sporter Championship recognized for World Records.

The Sporter Match record is at the bottom of the Yards section on the 5050 Records page.

Man, the new record will be hard to beat. Sporter 750s are a rare commodity.
Thanks everyone

Thanks for all the nice comments,

Gordon knows that I enjoy everytime I shoot my sporter, he built a very special gun.

I can't tell you what a great bunch of people were at the shoot this weekend, I enjoyed it all even when I wasn't shooting well.
Special thanks goes to Pete and his crew for all their work putting on a big time shoot (Todd great job scoring, only three changes in over 3000 bulls... wow.

Great Job Chris!!

What a way to start the weekend 750-41 in the NY State Yds match on Saturday!

Then in another post we'll find out who set the NE Regional Meters match on Sunday!!
Congrats Chris, I'm guessing you had the correct glasses on this weekend. That record will stand for awhile. I'm thinking more and more that lots of shooters gave up on those cut-rifled barrels too soon. Wonder what the WLM will have to say about that????
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Superb Shooting Chris

You were sitting to my right and I couldn't hit my butt with both hands, pretty amazing! This record also says a lot about not needing the newest and best action, barrel, and trigger. If it is like the Anschutz I had with me as a back-up, it only has one lug, at that. That one I borrowed has a Ratchet on it and will shoot multi lots pretty well. It, however, doesn't have instructions on it warning the operator to be patient :).

It's always nice to be in the presence of greatness. All part of enjoying being there as much as if one does well themselves. I have been present when a number of Benchrest records have been set and/or broken over the years but this one is the most spectacular I have witnessed. Way to Go Chris!

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It is now official!

After reviewing the Targets :

Chris Peterson World Record Sporter Yards 750-42x

Melvin Eck World Record Sporter Meters 741-32x

Great Shooting,
