New Floating Action Sleeve

Dave, that LG isn't so new -- couple of years now.

What is a bit different about it is that the barrel block clamps on the tensioning tube. The barreled action REALLY floats.

I've shot 3 consecutive five shot groups at 100 yards that agged a flat 2, this with 106-gain bullets.

Not to say there haven't been other rifles that would do this, or that it isn't just a good barrel & good bullets. And not to say the design couldn't be better, trimmer, & more elegant.
Paul, if vendors aren't providing your sales brochures(daily bulletins) for their own interests, then you are doing so for what reason?
I am surprised that you write this stuff.
If your not getting paid for it, as stated, you certainly should.

mikecr: I've been involved with several of the projects and ideas that Paul has spotlighted on the site, both as an 'up front' and 'behind the scenes' person. I can guarantee you that at no time were any contributions/free goodies/you-name-it ever solicited of me.

Obviously, I can't speak to all of the projects/products featured there. Just mine.

Feel free to p.m. me with your contact info. I'd be happy to ring you up and make this a bit clearer, if need be. -Al

I enjoy I can make up my own mind as to whether something has merit for myself. I know of no better source where I can go to get the latest on new gadgets, etc. There are 6.5-284's that will shoot in the ones, again that's not to say they will ag in the ones like a PPC. I have shot groups with a 6.5-06 Ack less than .200" at 100 yds with Sierra 142 MK bullets. Keep up the good work Yo.
But IMO, your headliners are nearly tabloid promotion. Very much as we see in magazines....Maybe I am the only one who sees this. A rogue crackpot.
If this is true then all is fine, there is nothing to fix, and I hope as much. Otherwise, you might have someone independently review your bulletins for objectivity and to ensure responsible 'reporting'.

Mike, you probably are a rogue crackpot, but that doesn't mean that your impressions are invalid. I've been reading for a couple three years now and I can assure you that the Daily Bulletin reports are nothing like what you'd read in the popular magazines. I've instigated a couple of them myself.

There's a wide open charter on what makes the bulletin. Essentially, it's anything that Paul thinks would be of interest to us and many of us view it as a shooting public service announcement. The content varies from new products, to great deals, to recall notices. I don't check it every day, but I always keep up with it.

Your impressions are interesting, however. Since I'm familiar with the origins of the bulletin and have gotten to know Paul a bit, I don't see what you do. Critique is almost always useful and I'm sure that Paul has taken note of what you've said. He takes great pride in the site and is always striving to improve it.

BTW, "objective reporting" is just another urban legend.

Rob, what is it you find humorous about a copyright notice? Also, attributed quotes are perfectly acceptable in copywritten material.