New Discussion.....So lets hear your BR related plans for 08.



I agree with Lew....I'm tired of hearing how expensive things are like ammo and fuel.....I don't like it either but its here to stay.

Lets hear what you have up your sleave for the 08 season.

Do you have a new rifle? New barrel? New ammo that you are excited about?
New rest? Wind flags? New Range to shoot at?

Or do you think you have the right combination from last season?

What the hell....I'll start.

Towards the last part of the season my Hongisto Swindlehurst which has ALWAYS been a Lapua shooter developed an appetite for whatever changes they made recently in the Eley EPS and really started smoking with it. Of course you all know the story....once I found it by accident I could only get about 3 bricks of it which I used up at the end of the season.

I tested some of the last batch of Match EPS and think what I have found is going to be as good or better than what I had at the end of last season....but we will see.

Spent an afternoon with Joe Besche playing with mid barrel tuners and found a location on the barrel of this particular rifle that seems to work well.

Since I started shooting I have been shooting over Wicks double vane wind flags and had a chance to have Tom Rippe shooting next to me at a tournament at the end of last season and he had some of the Aussie Flags. It seemed like I was able to "sync" up with those pretty well so I got a set that I plan to use those this season. They have a pin at the bottom just the opposite of the wicks, so I was going to have to come up with poles for them. It turned out if I take top extension shaft out of my Wicks push in poles the Aussies pin fits in perfect. I just had to make a short ferrule to hold them up so they wouldn't drag on the set screw on the wicks posts.

I'm going to hang on the the wicks flaggs for just a little bit to make sure I like the Aussies as much as I think I do.

I won't take away anyones thunder so I want to get specific but we also are going to have two new, already established ranges shooting ARA this upcoming season in central Missouri.

I am pretty excited about what I am starting the season with but I've thought that before only to be wrong.

Ok lets keep this positive, no complaining about costs, or beating up on poor ol Bill.

Charlie, Ok you stated no more talk about expensive things. You made reference to your expensive action, ammo (wilbur not my doing) and flags and tuner. You don't need to mention about expensive you just mentioned the names of the expensive stuff and we can guess the rest. So what is the point you are trying to make. As for bashing Bill its a given.....
Naw Lew, Maybe I worded it wrong. We can talk about our stuff, I just want to hear what everyone is excited about for the upcoming season.....not to let it get bogged down by how expensive things are.

Lew, not picking on you...but what kind of shooting schedule and equipment are you using this coming season?


Guess i'll go next. I have the same ole Hongisto 40x as last year.already have a mid barrel tuner and the late model Hoehn with bloop tube but........i do have a set of Roger Ahrens weights on the way to play with this season. Got the same ole SK Standard as last year for ammo. Not good enough to win but good enough to shoot.So i reckon i'll just try to have some fun and enjoy seeing all you guys again! We are up over 30" of snow so far this Winter so i'm hoping we are about finished with it!
I am very excited! New cartridge,30 Major, new flags, am working on a new rest with a freind/engineer and have been watching my old flags alot. That, I hope makes the biggest difference. Also, new bullet, and coming soon, a new to me gun to play with. I am so ready for spring. I feel like I've been in hibernation and can't wait for that rush from shooting in real competition. Oh yeah, a new range. I'll be shooting in Gallatin,Tn. this year also. I am so excited! I have gotta get some more brass and bullets made up and start burning some powder. Yes,it is more expensive, but , this is going to be a year to get excited about. We all have those tuners figured out by now don't we?---Mike Ezell

Well I'll go next you are right going to be two new ranges shooting ARA this year in Missouri one of which will be in Owensville MO. Owensville Gun Club. Which will be a close drive for a change. :D I'll be either shooting my Turbo or 40X again this year and some new Eley got to get with Joe yet to get them both tuned. We will start shooting over in Owensville in April 6 card matches. Sunday we just got the finall OK from the club to have ARA there this year so we have to submit schedule to them to get the range reserved on those days as soon as they are locked in will let everyone know dates soon. We scheduled around everyone else in Missouri so not to be having one on the same day as anyone else. Its been a cold long winter and I'm ready to start shooting again. If anyone has any questions about Owensville ARA email me at
Charlie, Well I don't know Iam still working on my custom edge stocked Chipmunk and winchester trigger. My barrel has been delayed still need to remove axle from old truck and drill out. Ammo( sorry wilbur) will be the deadly accurate remington 500 rounds milk carton ones. Other then that I don't know yet still have 2,3 weeks before any matches here.
Charlie thanks for asking though.
Charlie, Well I don't know Iam still working on my custom edge stocked Chipmunk and winchester trigger. My barrel has been delayed still need to remove axle from old truck and drill out. Ammo( sorry wilbur) will be the deadly accurate remington 500 rounds milk carton ones. Other then that I don't know yet still have 2,3 weeks before any matches here.
Charlie thanks for asking though.

Those truck axles actually work pretty well....make sure you leave the wheel flange with the lug studs on it....they work real well for adding weight to the barrel for tuning...just add lug nuts and adjust them in and out until you get the weight you need so you can "completely stop" that muzzle, er barrel, I mean axle. At that point it doesn't matter what you shoot in it.....remington milk can carton or that new $25 a box sounds like a winning combination to me.

Have you thought about making the action out of the differential carrier since the axle is already splined for it?

Give em hell.

Well this year will be my first year shooting rimfire benchrest. I will be starting out with a slightly upgraded kimber 82G with a homemade mid barrel tuner and possibly a barrel if dad and I have the time. My front rest is yet to be determined as well as my ammo. Here in the next few weeks I will start ammo testing and seeing what it likes, in my oppinion thats one of the perks. As far as wind flags I will probably make those as well so they wont be anything fancy. I still have a few things to work out but thats what Im doing in 08.
New to the forum....and new to benchrest, but I'm looking forward to shooting my first matches this year in Texas. Did some ammo testing today and had a blast. I'm gonna get waxed but that's ok, I'll learn and do better!

At the end of last year, I picked up a case of Eley Club EPS off of machine 4 that was the same speed as some black box that shot good for me. Have not had a chance to really test it to see what it will do. I also have a set of heavier weights coming for my tuner to see if adding an oz or 5 helps. Other than that, work on my flag reading more.

I like the sound of all the new ranges here in Mo. Not sure how much I will be able to shoot at em. :)
I guess I will go. I just purchased some new wind flags from Danny Keeney. So hope to start reading the wind lot better. Also will be experimenting with different ammo through out the year in my main rifle and the new Jim Williams 40X I picked up. And as last year, hope to place higher in the standings in ARA as the year before.
This will be my first year of actually shooting competition. I have a Hongisto Turbo/Broughton/Mcmillan on the way, and a sporter being build right now from a CZ 452. I also have a Suhl/Stith that should make 10.5#. I have alot to look forward to because I have new rifles that need to find ammo and tuner settings. My closest range for IR50/50 is 3 hours (hoping to change that soon) so I will also be driving alot. I'm also planning on going up to the UP to visit Mr. Haller and all those great people. I've been lurking here for quite awhile and I love all the info I can get from the experienced shooters.
To get out of this Frozen North and go South and shoot with some of the Best people on this Planet. Breakfast with Bob and Rod.( Rod can put a real start on your day) Have Dinner with DJ, Danny, Pepper, Webber and that crazy Craig Young. Get to meet a fine gentleman, Bill Pippin. Get Down to Georgia and meet another fine gentleman Wayne Smith. Looking forward to 08.
To come to the USA, bow in front of Butch Hongisto and wash his feet.
A most helpful man it would be my honour to meet.
Wish I had the time to drive and shoot real matches.
But I will just have to stay with the on-line stuff as the
Railroad and shooting don't mix:(
Same Annie, Finn, and 10/22 w/Hart,Lilja and Lilja.
I guess my only goal is to put more rounds down
range than last year and learn some more in the
Wish I could play:(
This is good, no talk about $$ stuff. What I'm looking foward to is the new tuner business with Roger's weight system. I'm sure he'll design and build a non-adjustable tuner, I always liked Calfee's idea about that.

Thanks, Douglas
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