New Carbon Fiber Stock for BR



Hi all,
I made a stock of Carbon Fiber for benchrest rifles. I made the stock using carbon fiber and the inside of the stock is filled with high density polyurethane foam.
This stock is cooked in a furnace at high pressure and high temperature and is therefore extremely rigid and lightweight (weighs 550 grams over the stock with the aluminum tank for the counterweight).
The polyurethane foam is filled with high pressure to ensure that there are no blank spaces and then areas subject to vibration.
The stocks in the photos are for BAT DS
please let me know what you think ......
thanks and greetings


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That is very nice! Are you thinking about marketing them in the US?
It'll be interesting to see how it reacts to the vibrations during firing. I don't know if the foam will be enough to dampen them. The most popular carbon fiber stock out there isn't as succesful as it is because of the carbon fiber, it's the internal wood structure. The carbon fiber is just a light weight covering to protect the wood and sturcture. Some have even went back to covering the stucture with fiberglass as many believe that it assorbs vibrations better than carbon fiber.

Very nice job, hope it preforms as good as it looks.

Thank you, I give you some informations about the stocks:
Inside the stock there is a structure of honeycomb made with nomex and Kevlar, in this way you have a good and hard skeleton. After that I fill the interiors with a high density foam charged with glass microsphere. At the end you have the interior very compact and solid and the mix of nomex,Kevlar and foam is perfect to adsorb the vibrations.
I have tested the stock, in june with the first stock that I prepared, my gunsmith made a rifle for my friend and hi won the LV 200 and the LV aggregate in Dobbiaco Alpen Cup (Italy) you can see te result at
Ciao ... the stock is a work of art. If you make one for a BAT SV and send it to me, I will test it for no charge.
Ciao ... the stock is a work of art. If you make one for a BAT SV and send it to me, I will test it for no charge.
Now I have ready only stocks for bat DS....