New Calibers for BR


Young and Handsome
Now that it is pretty much unanimous that the 6PPC is a has been cartridge, fallen by the wayside much like the .222 to be used only for a few occasional shortrange varmint hunting trips, or sold on gun broker to wannabe accuracy bufs, which caliber will most of you guys be switching to?
I am sure the 30 BR guys will hold pat, with the current Uber Cartridge but the PPC guys will need to take their game up a notch.
What does everybody have in mind?
The lack of

more powders to choose from is a big issue in limiting what might make the best Benchrest Cartridge. When one thinks about it, the components we use to make are ammo are quite crude in comparison to say, Formula 1 or even Local Modifies Race Car components. That is what is holding us back.
I'm thinking of switching to the .257TED. It has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is head and shoulders...........well, maybe I'll give it a bit more thought.
Now that it is pretty much unanimous that the 6PPC is a has been cartridge, fallen by the wayside much like the .222 to be used only for a few occasional shortrange varmint hunting trips, or sold on gun broker to wannabe accuracy bufs, which caliber will most of you guys be switching to?
I am sure the 30 BR guys will hold pat, with the current Uber Cartridge but the PPC guys will need to take their game up a notch.
What does everybody have in mind?

I have in my hand a piece of brass for the 458 SOCOM. Now that is a mans paper puncher!!!
Jerry I am not to your level but just got through cleaning some 50 beowulf brass. While I don't think it has a snowballs chance in hell of grouping less than 1.0 at 100 yards it makes short work of anything I have shot with it.
See what a lot of folks don't remember about the Cookie Cutter was that Charlie licked the recoil problem too!

Whereas most people fill a bullet up with lead making it wicked heavy (and making monstrous recoil) Charlie's CC fired hollow projectiles made from pieces of copper pipe. I think he got the idea from the X-Zylo throwing ring and improved from there. Not only did it cut large holes accurately it'd fly into the next ZIP Code.

I think he ended up shuttering the project because some of the shots never seemed to come down, no one ever determined the max range of the thing. It's scary to think of launching a supersonic projectile that may just keep going until something physically stops it!

Of course this is all from memory........ Charlie hissownself MAY just have a different story.

Or two....


So Ted. Did ya get your 10 HOF points this year????
I got one. ERHOF. And I am starting my 3rd year. At NBRSA Group.
I am not done with the 6PPC.
Tim B.
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That PPC is adequate for now but eventually that PPC is going to let you down. You need to get with the times.
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more powders to choose from is a big issue in limiting what might make the best Benchrest Cartridge. When one thinks about it, the components we use to make are ammo are quite crude in comparison to say, Formula 1 or even Local Modifies Race Car components. That is what is holding us back.

So Pete, we got 133,130 XBR, 322, Benchmark, 4895, and 4198, not to mention those that blend most of those listed, for the 6PPC. What did you have in mind?
Thats because you have never seen my good friends Jerry and Pete before.
Lets see there used to be a phrase.... what was it... hmmm oh yes
Be afraid be very afraid.....