New BR Rifle - Where to buy?




I am wanting to get back into BR shooting. I have saved my pennies and am ready to purchase. This time I am wanting to purchase a brand-new rifle and have $4000 saved up to spend on a rifle, scope, and rings. Who are the builders out there that have finished rifles ready to purchase? I have looked thru the Classifieds for the past month and don't come across many new rifles. Bruno's has a few, and I have sent a few e-mails his way. I have been told he is out of the shop for a couple weeks, so I would like some other options to look at. I owned a Panda in the past, and am looking at BAT currently.


Call the folks at Kelbly's. They build the actions, stocks, and even triggers. They will have several different manufacturers barrels for you to chose from. In my opinion, Kelbly's actions are as good as anything you can buy, and the whole Kelbly family operation has done a lot for the sport of benchrest. Most likely they could have a rifle ready for you by the time you sent the money to them.

Jim Carstensen
JLC PRecision
Jim is correct, Kelbly's is a great operation to do business with and sometimes have rifles ready to go or won't take long to complete.

Do you just want a new rifle? There are some good PROVEN rifles out there for sale that will save you a bunch of money. If you want, I can give you a few people to kinda depends on what type of set up you want.

Thank you all, I will keep searching the mentioned names. Yes, this time I want new. Since this time around I can afford new, I am going for it. Figure I can really get to know the likes and dislikes of a brand-new rig.

Now, if you are the daring sort

Gene Beggs' stock and setup is "state of the Art" of sorts. He may be able to hook you up to a very cool outfit.
not to put too fine

Gene Beggs' stock and setup is "state of the Art" of sorts. He may be able to hook you up to a very cool outfit.

a line on it, I would be reticent to describe the Beggs stock, etc., as "state of the art". More like "Far thinking edge" And way far at that
New rifle

I have a new rifle for sale--Never fired
Panda action--RB/LP/RE with static ejector
Larson stock--Redwood/carbon fiber
Bartlein GT barrel
6ppc chambered/262 neck
Jewell trigger
It only needs rings and a scope

Cecil Peterson 563-359-1988
See if this fits your bill. No vested interested. Just passing along the info. Sure is a pretty gun.


Bat Stainless 3 Lug RB/LP/RE 6PPC LV.
.262 nk. Krieger 1-14 twist, Jewell trigger, Robertson Composite glue in BRX stock Black with red less than 450 rounds.Built by Don Geraci. Scope and rings not included. $1900.00 shipped to your FFL

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Brent ...


I am wanting to get back into BR shooting. I have saved my pennies and am ready to purchase. This time I am wanting to purchase a brand-new rifle and have $4000 saved up to spend on a rifle, scope, and rings. Who are the builders out there that have finished rifles ready to purchase? I have looked thru the Classifieds for the past month and don't come across many new rifles. Bruno's has a few, and I have sent a few e-mails his way. I have been told he is out of the shop for a couple weeks, so I would like some other options to look at. I owned a Panda in the past, and am looking at BAT currently.Thanks,

Where to buy a new BR Rifle? Right here: Billy built me a FINE rifle. He can do the same for you! ;)
I got a Broughton Barrel from Brunos. McMillian stock on the shelf. Borden had a BR dual port on the shelf. Bob Green put it together, Less than a month and a half. Jewel trigger from Tim in Tenn. Hart had the a trigger gaurd went with their rings. Half the fun was chasing parts. Gun will bore a hole if I drive it right. Just need to learn to read conditions. Scan the classifieds alot of the distributors on here have stuff in stock.

Brunos, Russ Hayden, Borden. All were a hugh help.
New BR rifle

Try Ron Hoehn, he usually has a couple new Panda action rifles ready to go.
I think he is in Kansas City right now for the HBR Nationals, try him in a few days

Borde Rifles


Don't mess around. Give Jim Borden a telephone call. In addition to making a totally awesome action and complete gun, he will also stand behind the stuff he builds. Many people buy a gun, get it home, then wonder what to do next. They try to call the place/person that made it just to find out that they are on their own. Jim will always answer the phone and speak with you.

I have squandered too many thousands of dollars and found out the hard way. I hate to see/hear fellow shooters make mistakes.

Here is just one of the three Borden Rifles at my house.
Any of the big names....


I am wanting to get back into BR shooting. I have saved my pennies and am ready to purchase. This time I am wanting to purchase a brand-new rifle and have $4000 saved up to spend on a rifle, scope, and rings. Who are the builders out there that have finished rifles ready to purchase? I have looked thru the Classifieds for the past month and don't come across many new rifles. Bruno's has a few, and I have sent a few e-mails his way. I have been told he is out of the shop for a couple weeks, so I would like some other options to look at. I owned a Panda in the past, and am looking at BAT currently.


Will build you a winning rifle if you can drive it. Kelbly's, Dwight Scott, Stevens, Bordon, and others will build you a rifle that can shoot better than you. Give Kelbly's and Bordon a call and talk. Go with the one you like the sound of...either one will build you a fine rifle.
