New barrel



With a new barrel... Do you start testing right away ? Unlike center fire with barrel break-in procedures of your choice... is there any kind of break-in with a new match rimfire barrel done by a reputable smith?
Thanks again
I'm sure folks have come up with such a procedure given that everything involved has a "procedure". Frankly, I don't think it matters much what you do as the barrel is gonna shoot like it's gonna shoot no matter what you do in the beginning...short of finding the right ammo.
No, just start shooting and ammo testing. It takes about 1000 rounds before most would consider a barrel to be broke in. Find what ammo it likes and go for it.
No, just start shooting and ammo testing. It takes about 1000 rounds before most would consider a barrel to be broke in. Find what ammo it likes and go for it.

Pretty good advice here. Some may even see more rounds than this before it is completely broke in depending on how the machining was finished. Unless something is not in agreeance, you will have a good idea of what the barrel will do by 1000 down the tube in about any case.
