New announcement from Vortex about the PST.

OK OK..... my apologies to all for being abrasive.

gt40, I may have overreacted to your endorsement of what may well be just a fine optical tool. And my F-Class comment was directed at the guy who's wondering what ballistics has to do witrh F-Class. (or that's how I took it)

To all who wonder exactly how bullets impact when shooting uphill/downhill please take the time to borrow or buy a real book on ballistics, don't trust me. Then if you're mathematically inclined you can actually run the numbers.... if you're mathematically inclined AND mechanically inclined you can run and understand the numbers...... and if you're just a reader then may I suggest you get'cher hands on a copy of Robert L McCoys book 'Modern Exterior Ballistics' and flip to page 50 (after looking in wonder at the hundreds of pages covered with formulae) and read this ....."and we observe that for flat-fire, the trajectory will always intersect the target above center, and the projectile will strike equally high for either uphill or downhill firing."

The proofs for all this don't lend themselves well to casual explanation but in the same way that we can "trust" a doctor to rummage about in our innards we sometimes have to trust that when hundreds of years worth of published experts are in agreement they achieve a certain aura of validity. And when nothing has occurred "recently" to CHANGE the model (Galileo Galilei established the mathematical proofs in the early 1600's) And when these projections are further validated by ALL testing.....

And lastly to buffalobob, "start with a flawed assumption and you'll get flawed results." I've got no problem with your illustration, I love it when people understand their subject matter well enough to rip out a drawing on a napkin which neatly and clearly illustrates their point......... but for it to work the illustration must be based on accurate information. Misuse of data doesn't count. Your formula is simply well as incomplete. Horizontal motion is completely isolated from vertical motion, the two are independent of each other and act separately. If you ignore this and attempt to zero out your drawing by showing the vectors maybe it'll help you see it? I dunno.... but adding/subtracting gravity to "Vy" just isn't right... I do understand that you mean Vy to be the "upward" or "downward" acceleration component of the trajectory that's "added in" by the velocity of the bullet but unfortunately you seem to be mixing geometry with physics here. Whatever it is, your contention is simply wrong. The two motions are independent of each other.

I built a test for this in junior high using a blowgun mounted on a gimbal and a target which dropped when the projectile broke an electrical circuit at the muzzle. We had high ceilings in the old school....... got some serious elevated shots in the classroom.

You are right about one thing though, plugging numbers into your liddle drawing does yield "results" which validate your claim!

And most first yr students would be able to plug those numbers in......


Some of the more humorous statements that have been made.

Uphill or downhill the holdunder is exactly the same, you hold for the horizontal distance.

I don't answer to attitude but if you REALLY want to know the answer please read a book. I'd give you a list but unfortunately you'd just assume that "Mr High Post Count" was in cahoots with the authors.

There are no secrets in ballistics, nothing mysterious, nothing "misunderstood" and certainly no "advances" in the last ten yrs.

Horizontal motion is completely isolated from vertical motion, the two are independent of each other and act separately. If you ignore this and attempt to zero out your drawing by showing the vectors maybe it'll help you see it? I dunno.... but adding/subtracting gravity to "Vy" just isn't right... I do understand that you mean Vy to be the "upward" or "downward" acceleration component of the trajectory that's "added in" by the velocity of the bullet but unfortunately you seem to be mixing geometry with physics here. Whatever it is, your contention is simply wrong. The two motions are independent of each other.
What are you trolling for, buffalo?

Having been a member here for 5 years and having made only 40 posts in that amount of time is hardly a troll. Plain and simple - Al delivered an insult and it struck me wrong. I decide to prove he is a fool and idiot.

The reason I made the last post was to preserve some of the more humorous statements he has made so he could not come back and delete them like the guy who did not know where the thoracic aorta was did.
Sorry, bob. I haven't been following this thread too closely because it doesn't seem to deal much with benchrest, but your post just looked like you were ridiculing the poster. Since it's Al, I'm sure you two can thrash it out and we'll all learn something from it.


I was really courteous to Boyd and tried to be courteous to you.

I have said all I intend to say. Every forum has its Al. On Longrange hunting we have guys with thousands of posts and not a single kill. On the Special Forces forum we have guys with thousands of posts and never worn a uniform.

There are some great people on this forum and I learn stuff from them. There is really no need and it is foolish for me to answer questions on the F-class fourm when you have world class guys like Milanuk and German Salazar. I have great respect for them and what they know and do.
Maybe, but there's better ones for our known distance F-Class Targets than that....salesman.

Truer words were never said. There are always something better. Better wife, better scotch, better job, better car (except for a gt40) and so on. Some can afford some and most can not. My particular PST is MOA ($899), but you can get them in Mrad (turret+reticle+clicks). I was able to shoot with my Vortex custom turret (yards) hitting MOA gongs from 200 yards (my zero) in 100 yard increments all the way out to 1,200 yards and back down in 100 yard increments to 200 with the scope tracking accurately enough to do it. I was using a bipod also and holding with the hash marks on the reticle for wind. Now I have to tell you that I did not hit all the gongs every time because of inaccurate wind hold. It was also the very first time I had ever shot at anything farther than 400 yards. I love this custom turret. Range the target then turn to yardage # on turret and if no wind shoot. It is that easy. Here is the very first target I shot at 400 yds:

Oh I forgot to ask how you know there are better scopes for F-class since you most likely have never seen one let alone used one? You can't even buy one until January or February of 2011. The one I have is a test scope that was put out for the public to review and test. They found out that 2 tactical shooters thought that the turrets turned to easily so they had them redesigned and made the QC better. Mine is a Vortex Viper 6-24x50mm PST FFP MOA with Illuminated EBR-1 reticle with their Custom Turret in yards which can be gotten in mills. They will exchange all the "test" scopes for the new improved models at no cost including mine if we wish.

They also make a higher end scope called the "RAZOR HD" to compete with the other high end scopes.


PS: By the way hows the weather way up in the "North Woods"?
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Some of the more humorous statements that have been made.

yo buffaloboy...... I've NEVER deleted a post and the times I'm shown to be wrong I've graciously eaten my crow to the last feather. I keep a touch of Tabasco in my shirt pocket at all times just for this emergency.

Now, have at it. SHOW something. Just pick one of the "saved statements" and show it to be wrong.

You see here's the problem. You're prolly big juju over on Snipers Parodies or "The Heide" or somesuch where people are impressed by words longer than two syllables and enthralled by guns with corners.......... but here you've got to show yourself to be conversant with the phrases used. You've got to UNDERSTAND what you're parroting.

Soooo, "adiabatic lapse" (STUPID phrase) is referring to changes in freaking AIR PRESSURE due to altitude and is covered even by the guys over at Sierra but without the childish verbiage. It's completely irrelevant in the real world. Goofy-speak like inferring that "G1 is less accurate than G7" shows that you don't actually know what the word "coefficient" means and dragging in MORE irrelevancies like Coriolus and spin drift further degrades your position. You really have no clue what's important..... Now, before you start gobbling about "advances" with a sprinkling of "Magnus" and gener'ly chucking your brain droppings around...... PICK ONE!

Just start with the first one, please EXPLAIN to our gentle readers just HOW MUCH you change your hold between the three positions of FLAT hold 500yds VS 45 degrees UP and 45 degrees DOWN.

I'll make it easy for you.....

Nahh, belay that.

Do it yerself..

And be careful with those adiabatic lapses

