New action design nearly done


Hello you would not remember me or know who I am...but I remember you as a junior shooter in Spokane....good to see another hometown shooter do so well I wish you the best in your endevors.

If you action ever becomes commercially available I want to get on your list. Your action has all the features and attributes I would want in a dedicated prone rifle action. I think it is a thing of beauty.

Put me down for one.
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Reviving thread on 'New action'

Hi Eric
I was wondering how your developments were going?
It looks excellent. Would be great to hear how things are going, understanding that a project like this is probably 2 steps forward 1 step back.

Happy shooting

PS appriciate your article in USAS
I started shooting the first prototype in late January 2009. It is set up as my prone/position rifle in an Anschutz wood stock. It is by far the most accurate .22 rifle I've ever shot, but I am biased. I've shot more 600's in prone from Jan-Sep than I did with my Anschutz in 25 years.

Getting more made has been a bit slow. ATF says that my manufacturers license should be here in a week. It has taken five months, not the 2-3 they said at the interview. I've got a new shop built and the machines hooked up. Steel is at the heat treater. I'm ready when the paperwork is.

In this first prototype I've found a few things that I will change. Adding another extractor will be the only functional change. Other changes will be for ergonomics and cosmetics.

Everything has taken 3-4x longer than I thought it would.

Thanks for asking,

Nice looking action, and more importantly it sounds like it's a shooter.
Put me on the list for one when your ready for production.

New Action

Hi Eric
Someone earlier on questioned, length of barrel hanging off short action.
You've obviously not had any problems. Is there much work modifing stock to take location of new bedding screws?
Personally I'd like to see a barreled action in a barrel clamped stock (would want the clamp located just forward of action).

nice action eric, what's the bolt look like,
any pictures of the bolt and of the inside of
the action, thanks.
New action

Hi Eric
Great to read of your successes with the new action and progress towards production
Will your action be sold as an action with trigger or do you need to provide your own?
Will your action be exportable
Have you a price indication?


Blind Kiwi
I got my manufacturers license last week, so I'm good to go from the government side of things. Steel isn't back from heat treat, so I'm putzing around the shop doing other things right now.

I'm still reluctant to publish pictures of my bolt face and inside of the action until I'm actually in production. I know some guys took pictures of my rifle with bolt out at the PSL match I shot in February. I guess they haven't surfaced yet...

Price wise...I'll need to do a production run to see what they cost cost me to build before I price them. I sent enough steel to the heat treater to make 28 I guess that would be a production run. Actually, 20-25 would be more accurate as I'm sure I'll screw up some parts working out my programs. They will cost more than Anschutz, hopefully less than Bleiker.

Another change that I didn't mention in the earlier update is that the bolt handle base will be integral machined into the bolt instead of brazed on. This will complicate the bolt machining but will be better in every other way. The handle itself will still be screwed into the base.

Exporting is another hurdle that I haven't even looked into yet. I will export eventually, but it will take some time.

Thanks for the interest.

Are you taking orders or putting people on waiting list?
any chance you will have a manufacuters licence

so that the actions can be exported by a proper exporter licence holder or is this a thought for next year 2011

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Add Another

Please add my name to the waiting list. Thank you.
New action nearly done

Hi Eric how's progress on your action and what is needed to get one?

Blind Kiwi
Sorry for no update in a while. I don't hang out on this board much.

Progress is slow. One step forward, three back kind of thing. When I made the prototype, it was not anything resembling production. Now I'm trying to get set up to make these actions efficiently. As I go I've got to make jigs and fixtures and have to acquire tooling and machinery for all the myriad processes necessary to make an action. Anyway, it takes more time that I like to admit. The fact that I have a day job and travel a lot doesn't help either. I am making progress on the first batch of actions, though.

I've just completed about 13 months of shooting my rifle. After some early adjustments, it has been working nearly flawlessly. My scores have continued to rise. In the first eight months of shooting my rifle, I had 10 600's in practice and two in a match. In the 25 years of shooting my Anschutz I had maybe 7 or 8 600's total. I know this doesn't mean much to the benchresters, but for the international prone crowd it might. Maybe I just got lucky and got a good barrel on the first try?

I'm going to want to get a few production models into operation and make sure everything is working properly before I foist them on an unsuspecting public. I'll let everyone know when they are ready to go on sale.

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New action nearly done

Thanks for the reply Eric; terrific shooting in the last 8 months wish you well for any ISSF competions this year

Blind Kiwi
Well done Eric at Fort Benning. Watching the final on ISSF TV it looks like you used your new action can you confirm? Also Micheal McPhail mentioned he had tried your rifle a few weeks earlier and was really impressed. How are you developments coming along Re new action. Look foward to hearing from you.
New Zealand
Eric did infact use his own action, and his newly designed bloop tube / tuner system. I have a few of his actions here, and they are impressive.

We are gonna try to get one into a BR stock and see what it can do. Just working out some minor details and such.

Eric did some great shooting, beating Matt Emmons and many other outstanding shooters.