Need To Find An IBS Rule

jackie schmidt

New member
I have spent the last 30 min scanning the IBS Rule Book that we have here on line, and I cannot find the section where it states that Rifles must be single shot, and loaded by hand, one round at a time.

Maybe the on line Rules in the IBS Section are not complete. Could someone please direct me to the proper section.

The main reason I want to read it is to compare it to the NBRSA Version.......jackie
I have spent the last 30 min scanning the IBS Rule Book that we have here on line, and I cannot find the section where it states that Rifles must be single shot, and loaded by hand, one round at a time.

Maybe the on line Rules in the IBS Section are not complete. Could someone please direct me to the proper section.

The main reason I want to read it is to compare it to the NBRSA Version.......jackie

To the best of my knowledge the online rule book is the official rule book. Rifles are described in V -Group Shooting Rules, B - Rifles. All it seems to state is manually operated firing mechanism. If there is something else in the rules, its well hidden as I searched on single, manual, manually operated, etc. The Score rifle rules refer you to the above section except it defines a Hunter one with a magazine cut out and capable of holding(it doesn't say cycling but it doesn't seem to prohibit it) 2 rounds of ammo the rifle is chambered for. FYI, the IBS allows AR15 rifles if a club agrees under certain operational standards like single load, brass catcher, etc. --Greg
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One thing to note these are the 2009 rules not the current ones apparently.
One thing to note these are the 2009 rules not the current ones apparently.

The rules posted on the IBS website are the most current published set of rules. Since we have not managed to get a new rule book printed in several years the online rulebook is the only source available incorporating major changes made over last 6 or 7 years. Admittedly it does not include the last couple of years rule changes yet but other than last years change to allow brakes in LG class I believe almost all changes have been of an administrative nature rather than equipment limiting.

Dick Grosbier
IBS Webmaster & VP
I have spent the last 30 min scanning the IBS Rule Book that we have here on line, and I cannot find the section where it states that Rifles must be single shot, and loaded by hand, one round at a time.

Maybe the on line Rules in the IBS Section are not complete. Could someone please direct me to the proper section.

The main reason I want to read it is to compare it to the NBRSA Version.......jackie

I may be wrong but I do not believe IBS rules ever required rifles be single shot. They do require feeding by hand single shot even in hunter class which requires a magazine. The sole exception I am aware of is in AR class which is not even incorporated into our rulebook. Granted I cannot find it in writing.

Dick Grosbier

The rules posted on the IBS website are the most current published set of rules. Since we have not managed to get a new rule book printed in several years the online rulebook is the only source available incorporating major changes made over last 6 or 7 years. Admittedly it does not include the last couple of years rule changes yet but other than last years change to allow brakes in LG class I believe almost all changes have been of an administrative nature rather than equipment limiting.

Dick Grosbier
IBS Webmaster & VP

So as I understand this people who do not have a computer do not have access to the rules however accurate or inaccurate they are. I hope no one shoots any world records and is DQ'ed for lack of having access to a current set of rules.
Though maybe that is a false alarm. It seems even people as old as Francis are on the computer. Though some still dont.
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So as I understand this people who do not have a computer do not have access to the rules however accurate or inaccurate they are.

We live in a computer age. For several years the only way to even get the actual wording of proposed rule changes is the IBS website. Although I am the IBS webmaster I constantly remind people that we actually have a lot of older members (many older than Francis and myself) some of whom do not use the internet. I personally have a couple of friends I keep informed on the IBS schedule and rule changes and I think there are a few people around in this situation. I myself hope we are able to get a new rulebook printed in the near future but I am not certain this is is the direction we will go, the online rulebook combined with meeting minutes are the most up to date set of rules and will remain so even when a new rulebook is printed . A new rulebook when printed would become outdated the following January if any rule changes are passed which is almost always the case. Also no new rule becomes permanent until the following January which also complicates the issue.

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Dick, I need the page number in the rule book stating that, or an amendment number, or something. I want to see how it is worded.

I can not find what you alluded too in the online Rule Book. I did a search and can come up with nothing. I know it's there, I just can't seem to find it..............jackie
As far as those without computers goes...the rules require all ranges hosting registered matches to have a rule book on the range.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
Dick, I need the page number in the rule book stating that, or an amendment number, or something. I want to see how it is worded.

I can not find what you alluded too in the online Rule Book. I did a search and can come up with nothing. I know it's there, I just can't seem to find it..............jackie

I just can't seem to find it..............

That is whats called....a clue!!!!!
are there current ibs rule books in print ???
if i order a book do i get all the current rules that are not in the book ??
if not the rule seems pretty silly.....

As far as those without computers goes...the rules require all ranges hosting registered matches to have a rule book on the range.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
I may be wrong but I do not believe IBS rules ever required rifles be single shot. They do require feeding by hand single shot even in hunter class which requires a magazine. . . . Granted I cannot find it in writing.
If you can't find it (written) in the rulebook, it is not a rule. Unless you have another (written) rule that says "that's the way we always did it" is a rule.
As Dick alluded to, Section V:

2) Heavy Varmint Rifle
Any rifle having a safe manually operated firing mechanism, weighing not more than 13 1/2 pounds inclusive of sight... (emphasis mine)
does not say manually loaded.....says manually operated FIRING MECHANISM......nothing about loading.....

mike in co
Take it from a spectator -this is sad!
The only thing I could dig up is Williamsport's holding as a rule:
47.0 Rifles having a magazine shall be loaded and fired single shot only. No auto loading rifles are permitted.
But they also mentioned 'Auto Loading' weapons in a seemingly different context here:
6.0 No caliber larger than 40 caliber may be used on the range at any time. Any equipment thought to be unsafe, harmful, destructive, or otherwise unpredictable will not be allowed on the range at any time. Examples include, but are not limited to: tracer, incendiary, or explosive projectiles, and use of auto loading weapons.

Interesting also is:
45.0 Any gunstock or accessories thereon must maintain a minimum of 1/2 inch from the top of any retainer or container holding the sandbag on which the stock or part thereof rests.
I've seen Farley/edgewood combos, and some SEBs fail to meet this rule -at the WO, and unenforced.

Don't really know the basis for any of Williamsports rules though..
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Jeff, with all due respect, that is just a tad vague.

The NBRSA has language that specifically addresses the actual placing of a round, one at a time, by hand, into the Rifle.

To me, manually operated firing mechanism means you have to actually pull the trigger with your finger, and operate the bolt by hand.

Since I am an IBS Memeber, but make hardly any matches since there are very few in our area, has this ever been brought up. Or, is everybody just assuming that Benchrest Rifles are single shot, loded one round at a time, by hand........jackie
Jackie Et Al,
I am not sure why the assumption that IBS requires a single loaded round, by hand. As far as I am aware that has never been an IBS rule. Not sure why you were asking (other than it is good to know these things!) but the rule is just as it reads... safe manually operated and nothing else restricted. I have copies of the IBS rules back to 1985 and don't find language such as in the NBRSA rules. I agree completely with your interpretation. I believe we both know of an unlimited rifle or two that are gravity fed and were never challenged that I know of. Quite possibly others know differently.
Taking the rules in their entirety there are many references to "Open Bolts" or "Bolts Removed" but that covers a lot of possibilities. Many and I am NOT including you, Jackie, in this crowd, fail to take the rule book as a body but rather "pick" at an area they feel doesn't live up to their standard. Taken as a body they have served us quite well over a long period.
Reading some of these posts I find it more than a little odd that we can't find a definition more stringent than "a safe manually operated firing mechanism" so we are "sad" yet any new wiz bang thing that somebody thinks everyone should have makes us reactionary if there is a rule that prohibits it's use and we don't trash can it on the spot due to demand. Can't have them both. My read is the rule says what was intended... as always if folks don't like it change it. Having worked through the rear bag blues and tuner wars I don't have a lot of give for those wanting a finite definition of ever piece of minutia but also want the freedom to use any equipment that comes down the road.

Jackie...You have some neat idea you're thinking about trying out maybe????? Certainly hope so.
Gary, there is a youtube video floating around featuring a push button operated device that is not attached in any manner to the rifle. It will drop a cartrige into the loading port of a DP action with blazing speed. (it isn't shown firing, just cyciling five rounds through, so how it re-aligns with the port under recoil isn't addressed) Some are speculating that backer systems may not be able to "keep-up". I suspect this is at the root of these questions. Would that "neat idea" be legal in IBS? Pretty clearly not in NBRSA. The devil is in the details. Every time I try to haul a$$, I end up with about five minutes left to look at the mess I made and usually just put the lens covers back on and wait for the cease fire : ) DW
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Hopefully larry Feusse will chime in here. He is always thorough in what he does. In a Nationals some time ago, might have been at Painted Post, Larry had a rail gun with a detached magazine. I remember looking closely at it and it was made of some clear plastic sheeting of about 1/8" or so thick.

How does this relate? Isn't this all about innovation and improvement of accuracy?? (Just like tuners!!)