Need help

Does anyone remember who slid this and what it was used for .
I think a for setting a tuner but it don’t fit anything.


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It looks like the gage that Daryl Lokar sells to set up his behind the muzzle tuner. The idea was to start out .080 back and work from there.
No it isn't

Ha. Daryl doesn't use this gauge. He uses pixie dust and secret Latin incantations to set his tuner. Tim
Its the degree of difficulty

its amazing what youi can learn on the benchrest forum the knowledge expertise what the averge shooter is up aganist to compete today the time money makes hard to attract new people we need help

more than anything else I believe that keeps new people away. We continue to attract a few new people but younger people would rather shoot easier stuff or blast AR's at nothing all day. It ain't the cost cause about any sport one can think of costs more that ours. It may seem to we older folks that cost is the issue but people seem to afford what they want.

Just my opinion.

Ferdinand Porsche said one day something sounding like "Racing against one-self is the only race that never ends".

Aside from money, BR requests attention and thouroughness on a long period. THIS they don't want anymore. That's not FUN.