Need help with ejector


George Tucker

I have a Ruger 77 Heavy Barrel in 220 Swift, the ejector is fluss with the bolt face, i removed the retaining pin to remove the ejector and spring, the ejector will move in and out a little, but will not come out of the hole, does not seem to be gummed up, would appreciate any thoughts on this, thanks George.
I've removed stuck ejectors by drilling them out with a carbide drill bit. The cross pin needs to be removed first. Then drilling started in the center of the pin with a carbide center drill. Then switched to a carbide drill bit a little smaller than the ejector pin. A lot of times by the time you get down a little ways into the ejector pin the pin will stick on the drill bit causing the ejector pin to spin in the bolt body and then the pin can be removed. If it doesn't spin, you can usually remove it by the time you get drilled through the top part of the pin above the spring.
I have held the bolt upright in padded vise jaws, soaked the plunger with Hoppes #9... heated the bolt head up with a propane torch until the Hoppes is boiling... then tapped the ejector rapidly with a punch and small hammer... sometimes they pop loose...

Then I clean the rust out...
George ...

I have a Ruger 77 Heavy Barrel in 220 Swift, the ejector is fluss with the bolt face, i removed the retaining pin to remove the ejector and spring, the ejector will move in and out a little, but will not come out of the hole, does not seem to be gummed up, would appreciate any thoughts on this, thanks George.

I've had this happen a few times but was resolved by either playing with the ejector for awhile longer, whereupon it jump out, or I used a little Birchwood-Casey Gun Scrubber, with the same result. Also, doing this inside a plastic bag helps prevent parts hunting. :)
Thanks for all the help guys, iam going to try and free it up, i will keep the drilling in mind as a last resort, this is a awesome forum, George.
Well guys, i had to drill it out, tried everthing else, just would not come out, the drilling method works just fine, if a person is carefull and takes his time, thanks to everyone who replied, i appreciate it, George.
I have had this problem in the past

If one shoots too hot a load, sometimes the bolt face will peen the hole tight. I finally came to the drill method out of desporation and DANG ! it worked!
removal of stuck ejector

find someone with an ultrasonic cleaner and submerse the bolt (ejector pin removed ) and after some time the ejector and spring will pop free.You will find them in the tank.

I have done many this way .Bolt gets cleaned as well.