need help with benchmark powder.


russell m

My one experience with Benchmark is. I shot 5 rounds at the end of the day with 29g of Benchmark. temp was upper 80's. Humidity was approx 45%. The group was a flat 2. That will work. The next morning I shot the same load & it was real ugly. I was under the impression that Bench was not as sensitive. What powder chargers are more commonly used? This is for 6 PPc russell m
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My one experience with Benchmark is. I shot 5 rounds at the end of the day with 29g of Benchmark. temp was upper 80's. Humidity was approx 45%. The group was a flat 2. That will work. The next morning I shot the same load & it was real ugly. I was under the impression that Bench was not as sensitive. What powder chargers are more commonly used? This is for 6 PPc russell m


With my current lot of Benchmark, I can't get enough of it in the case to ever cause pressure. It's slower than any lot of n133 I've had. It seems to shoot good though neverminding it's slow.

The last time I weighed it, I think my best load was around 29.5 grains and it was barely cracking 3300 fps.


We shoot HH's & 00's @ 3460fps

Hope this helps.
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It isn't very sensitive at all.
I suspect your issue is elswere.
russell m

My results with Benchmark is the same as yours. Great groups one day, crap the next. I tested it in my 30BR, along with alot of other powders, and it was the dirtiest powder of all of them, by far. I would have to shoot 50 rds of N-133 to even come close to the dirt left by 5 rds of Benchmark. It shot some good groups in a .223, but other cleaner powders gave me much better groups consistently.
Shoot greats, and is consistent anywhere over 30 grs. Dirty?? I clean my rifle every 10-12 rounds. It doesn't get enough rounds through it, between cleanings, to get really dirty, at least not enought to be close to affecting accuracy. That being said, I havn't noticed that Benchmark leaves anymore stuff in the barrel than 133 did.
BM powder

I shoot the whole BR match and don't clean till I get home and BM is not dirty for me.
My results with Benchmark is the same as yours. Great groups one day, crap the next. .

Let me say that I have the exact same problem with every powder I have ever tried in every cartridge I have ever used.
