need contact info for Roger Brock



would like to contact for a re-barrel project. need his contact info.

thanks, nemo
i shoot against red shoes and that who he uses so i figured i could not go wrong LOL. thanks for the info Dale.
You are right about that! I have shot against "Red Shoes" many times [ even have a pair of autographed red hi-tops by him ] plus my great friend "daletheman_3" has a Brock Turbo and is having Roger build him a Swindlehurst now.
did he snatch that Turbo off the classifieds? i was ready to sign away my first born for that sucker. glad it sold quick before i came to my senses.
Nope, he had Roger build it for him last year. It's a real shooter,i think Roger builds em with the best.
well at the last match i shot i looked at the equipment list and everybody but me had Brock listed as the smith. that was enough for me. if you cant beat them join them sort of thing.
Thumbs up

Roger sure knows what he is doing to be sure. Just took him the stuff for him to complete my Swindlehurst last night. Nemo, you will not be disappointed.
what barrel are you using? what does Roger recommend. i was thinking a Broughton but a Shilen ratchet dont sound too bad either.
Both my Turbo and my 40x have Broughton 5c's (one 17 twist and one 16). I got my Swindlehurst as a barreled action from Gene Davis and it has a 4 groove Broughton on it. All of them are in a Ross taper. Talk to Roger, I took his advice on the barrel for my Turbo (the 40x I bought from him already built) and have never regretted it.
i keep thinking i want a 17 twist but i shoot in all weather and year round and have heard that sometimes they dont shoot so good when it's cold. you ever make it to Crosswinds?
I have never been there, am hoping to make it next season... If I had to do it over, I would have gone with a 16 twist just to have it shoot a little better in the colder weather.
Roger Brock has a barrel on the way for me.....Joes anschutz that he has shot two 2500s with and Brian Brandts rifles both have 17 twist 5c broughton barrels on them. My anschutz has a 16 four grove broughton and it shoots very good.

Needless to say I am going with the 17 twist 5C.

Needless to say Steve Emmert has been smokin with his 3 grove? 17 twist benchmark lately.

A lot of shooters seem to like the 17" Broughton,i have one on my Hongisto 40x but if i was doing it over i would go with a 16" Broughton.I feel my 17" does not shoot as well in cooler weather.not talking just Winter but below 50-55 degrees.I do like the 5c barrel but would definently go 16" next time.