Need Advice before breakfast

I did spend a few years in "the Haight" but it was in the '90s. Nothin left but wino's,thieves and furniture guys.Thanks for your concerns about my health,by the way,did your doctors ever get that broken crayon removed from your nose?
This chicken thing just kinda happened,I didn't ask for it( "Oh Lord,if I only had a chicken I would be so happy"). I tried chasing it away but then the neighbors started referring to me as "the crazy guy with the broom".
Well, I must admit that I am a little concerned 'cause "Gertrude"hasn't been around since I started this thread and began eating her eggs. Hopefully she hasn't met with "fowl play".

This note from the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta Ga.

"CHT" or Chickenhalitosis is a debilitating disease transferred to individuals by eating the yolks of brown eggs,especially those who slow down mastication in the attempt to "taste" the difference between store bought and wild chicken eggs. Symptoms include lethargy,sloth and loss of motor skills( especially the ability to clean out the garage,basement or cut the grass).An increase of appetite for high cholesterol items and an insatiable thirst for carbonated alcoholic beverages.
Routinely mis-diagnosed as LBS(Lazy Bastard Syndrom)it is tragically discovered "too late" once the CHT victim starts clucking,scratching around in roof top flower boxes and attempts to fly between buildings.
Stay safe and "lay off " the wild eggs.
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Little Johnny, "what's for supper Ma?"

Ma, "beef tongue."

"Yuckk! bleachhh... TONGUE??"

"Yeahhh, tongue.. what's the matter?"

"Well that's GROSS! It comes from a cows mouth!"

"You like eggs don't you?"


You guys are gettin' to be too much for me, I'm gonna' change religions and become a Frisbeeterian! :eek:

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
I'd recommend crossing your fine laying hen with one of those frisky bantam roosters in Key West. The offspring would be surenuff handy. They will keep the riffraft outta the neighborhood, control the mosquito's & the smaller eggs will come in handy for weight control. Now I guess you'd heard about all the trouble the chicken catcher had thinning out the free ranging banty's in KW but all you need in one rooster. Just go eat at Blue Heaven in Key West, sit out under the tree's & nab one scratchin at your feet while you dine. Stuff the "brother" in a paper sack, (be sure to get a rooster, there wouldn't be that many roosters waking everyone up at daylight, unless there were some hen's to keep um around) & when the other diners look at you like a chicken thief, just say "ah finally found him, gonna take him home". Now he'l be smaller than your fine laying hen, but don't worry, they'l get along just fine. Now if you have a small dog, I'd keep the dog in the house. The banty might even develop a taste for chicory coffee.
HAHAHA----I grew up eating the eggs that my Grandmother had. Depending on the breed of the chicken the eggs were light blue, brown and brown speckled. Had a few with double yolks from time to time.

As noted above if there is a tiny red spot in the yolk pay it no attention---just nature if you will... This is too funny brings back memories when I would eat a dozen fried eggs and a pound of bacon for breakfast along with sourdough toast!!:)