Need a couple of dial indicators - recommendations?

Fergus Bailey

New member
I am looking for some dial indicators for indicating a barrel with a range rod as per Gordys method. Any recommendation on something that is a reasonable price/quality trade off? I am thinking I should get some fine and coarse indicators - maybe start indicating with a 1 thousandths indicator, then switch to a 1/10 thou indicator?

Also, any thoughts on an indicator stand? There seem to be any number available, ranging from $15 to $100. I cant see much to differentiate them - at least in all the photos I have looked at on line.

I don't think that switching indicators is a good idea in the sense that it will require twice the time to set them up and twice the investment (2 sets)...
I believe that you are much better off spending the money you intend to spend (4 dials) in a very good pair of .0001 indicators.
Look for good brands such as: Fowler, Mitutoyo, Starret, etc.

Regarding indicator stands...Whatever makes a solid stand and accommodates to your lathe/milling machines will be the best stand for you, magnetic stands are the most common..


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Not all magnetic bases are the same


I must have a dozen of these magnetic things, some work well, some don't stick properly.

Don't buy one on ebay and expect it to work well.

Buy the best and buy it once.

Go for a Mitutoyo indicator, it's hard to get some of the other brands in Australia. Get a finger type 1/10 thou.

I also suggest you get a plunger type with at least 1" travel. You can mount this on the carriage or cross slide to get the cone and headspace right.

Give me a call if you need some help.

[QUOTE. Get a finger type 1/10 thou.

plunger type with at least 1" travel.

just so you know finger type is a dial test ind. plunger type is a a.g.d......George
The Noga style stands are the best thing I have bought for indicating. They area HUGE time saver when setting up. You can just loosen the knob and move the indicator to the angle and position you need, then just tighten it back up and your done. The old style are very time consuming compared to these.

As far as indicators go, don't buy junk for precision. Not that I don't own a really cheap dial indicator and a test indicator, but not for dialing in barrels. They are used for everyday stuff, say windflag parts. You don't feel as bad when you knock them over.

Mitutoyo is good, Brown + Sharp and Interapid the best, the price reflects that.

Hey Fergus, check out the website for Long Island Indicator. They have a section that has the brand names listed and info for most makes and models. They repair indicators and have some very good info to read before buying.

Hope this helps.

Joe Hynes
On the Long Island site, click T in the alphabetical list, then brand comparison. They list all the manufactures and what they think of each.

Joe Hynes
I am looking for some dial indicators for indicating a barrel with a range rod as per Gordys method. Any recommendation on something that is a reasonable price/quality trade off? I am thinking I should get some fine and coarse indicators - maybe start indicating with a 1 thousandths indicator, then switch to a 1/10 thou indicator?

Also, any thoughts on an indicator stand? There seem to be any number available, ranging from $15 to $100. I cant see much to differentiate them - at least in all the photos I have looked at on line.


Have a look here (I purchased my measuring gear from this place) There prices are better than locally here. The Mitutoyo Mag stand is made in China in this region FYI
I have both the cheap and Mitutoyo and the main difference is the shaft uses a locknut on the cheaper version. If you look up the Engineers shop and StoreInfinity you will see the difference
Ebay Store - StoreInfinity2013 I purchased Mitutoyo from this guy in China
Ebay Store - THE ENGINEERS SHOP (He is in Benalla) Chinese made Mag bases and heaps of tooling

Also try Demco tooling in Boronia he imports alot of gear from Taiwan and he has the Mag stands for $30, Worth a look. I have bought gear from him and he was good to deal with

And I purchased plenty of gear from US surplus stores and saved plenty as well
