NBRSA 600/1000 YD NATIONALS day two


mike in co

i am hoping arron will post results..i had to work and so left before any results were out.
i did not even get to look at my targets.
my relay shoot early today(yesterday we were late..look at day one lite you can see it is obvious)
and i did not bring the bolt for my heavy gun so pretty sure that makes me last in heavy.

this is my total shots this am, both sighters and record (the record target lays on top of the sighter target ) for light gun.
so all the holes are there.( there is one more sighter hole to the right)
not a perfect target but i am happy. no score pasters in the white...all blue!


  • 20150609_095838-1.jpg
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holy schit batman...
that has to be a mistake....

( ok credit where credit is due.....i built the gun,barts new 6mm 105's)
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ok it is true...
i tied a national record on day two to come from mid pack to take first place.

the 600 yd match director was not at the range today, so do not know all the particulars.
today is a practice sight in day.
the next couple of days are suppose to be ugly rain and wind.
8 miles of dirt road into the range...a good part was slip and slide.
ALL RESULTS for day one /day two and overall at 600


  • Official Record 600 yd 2015.pdf
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Right on great job, give your self a pat on the back, oh wait you already did.:D