Tentative schedule changes:
Initially, we had taken some serious consideration to the rotation of benches throughout the match. This was in reaction to folks who indicated they may experience unusual conditions in any given area of a range. Our goal was fairness in variability. To allow each shooter the opportunity to move about the line so that every shooter would have a different wind experience on every Match. After careful consideration, and listening to the feedback from the community, we have decided to keep shooters on the same bench for the duration of the Class in which they are shooting.
This decision is a result of many factors. Mainly, our goal is to provide the best shooting experience for the most shooters. Carefully considering both sides, listening to all the arguments, and deciding on an outcome. We have also enacted a policy that if you complain that you are a victim of the location of the bench you are shooting from, that's grounds for automatic disqualification. Just kidding... Maybe.
Fairness is our priority. Fairness of shooting location variability was overshadowed by the fairness of the inability, difficulty, or inconvenience of moving equipment and changing classes throughout the day.
The schedule that was posted was a tentative plan based on the number of shooters for each class. The exact plan of the schedule will be posted after the closing of registration, once we see the final numbers.
For example, initially it was suspected that LV was to be one of the smallest classes, when in fact, it has turned out to be one of the largest. As a result, those times and matches will need to be adjusted as the shooting numbers dictate.
More on times to follow.
We are excited to provide you with the greatest platform, and challenge in benchrest shooting. Each of you who attend, will undoubtedly shoot next to the best shooters in the country, and quite possibly the world.
Keep in mind...
"Far better is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs. Even though checkered with failure, than to take ranks with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much or suffer much. Because they, they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt
This is it, the stage is set.
Remember, registration closes at midnight on April 15th
Initially, we had taken some serious consideration to the rotation of benches throughout the match. This was in reaction to folks who indicated they may experience unusual conditions in any given area of a range. Our goal was fairness in variability. To allow each shooter the opportunity to move about the line so that every shooter would have a different wind experience on every Match. After careful consideration, and listening to the feedback from the community, we have decided to keep shooters on the same bench for the duration of the Class in which they are shooting.
This decision is a result of many factors. Mainly, our goal is to provide the best shooting experience for the most shooters. Carefully considering both sides, listening to all the arguments, and deciding on an outcome. We have also enacted a policy that if you complain that you are a victim of the location of the bench you are shooting from, that's grounds for automatic disqualification. Just kidding... Maybe.
Fairness is our priority. Fairness of shooting location variability was overshadowed by the fairness of the inability, difficulty, or inconvenience of moving equipment and changing classes throughout the day.
The schedule that was posted was a tentative plan based on the number of shooters for each class. The exact plan of the schedule will be posted after the closing of registration, once we see the final numbers.
For example, initially it was suspected that LV was to be one of the smallest classes, when in fact, it has turned out to be one of the largest. As a result, those times and matches will need to be adjusted as the shooting numbers dictate.
More on times to follow.
We are excited to provide you with the greatest platform, and challenge in benchrest shooting. Each of you who attend, will undoubtedly shoot next to the best shooters in the country, and quite possibly the world.
Keep in mind...
"Far better is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs. Even though checkered with failure, than to take ranks with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much or suffer much. Because they, they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt
This is it, the stage is set.
Remember, registration closes at midnight on April 15th