My foid card call in came back denied today. WTH!!!!


Thanks for the correction,. I got my enthusiasm for the trend ahead my "facts". Wikipedia lists ten states as "may issue". Interestingly they list Oregon as a "shall issue" state. It would be simpler if we could just uniformly rely on the Constitution.

"It would be simpler if we could just uniformly rely on the Constitution."
Here Here!!!!!!! Much Agreed!!! Lee
My brother-in -law lives in IL and his FOID got cancelled after he made 12 firearm transactions in one year.

What # are you at Lee????
I'm chuckling but that would be a bad rumor to start.

Al, this is a joke not to be taken as anything else, as with above post, geezz
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"Chuckling" because 12 guns a year seems "reasonable" or what???

We've got no chance of getting our rights back in this lifetime with this attitude of acceptance :(

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the 'call-in' has nothing to do with the FOID card or ILLINOIS.
It's the same 'call-in' everywhere, to the same number, it's a national thing.
It's just that Illinois has tighter state regs and you have to have a FOID card and wait 24hrs.

I'm an IL resident and bought a 22 rifle in KY last wednesday.
The FFL had to check my FOID card and made me wait untill friday to pick it up, but they called the normal 'call-in' number, not IL state Police or anything like that.

BTW, the FOID card is issued by the IL State Police, you CAN call them, it's just a bit of a search to get the FOID division.
They dont advertise their number or put it on the card itself.

Cheers, YV
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Actually Illinois does have its own system which is operated by the Illinois State Police and we do not call the same number as dealers in other states. Illinois had a system long before the federal instant check system and was approved to continue using its system when the instant check started. I suspect they all use the same data base, but if you have a problem with a transfer in Illinois you do have to talk to a State Police Officer. In my experience they have have been very helpful, after all most of them are shooters just like us. It is the law makers who are the problem not the law enforcers.

On another note Illinois dealers can only sell to out of state residents in states bordering Illinois and when you do you have to talk to an Agent for approval it is not instant. I am not sure how it works if an Illinois residents buys a gun out of state.

I believe this number will get you to a place where your problem can be resolved. 217-782-7980

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I was born in Vandalia, and if it weren't for my parents moving up here we could have been neighbors Lee.

I'll take the Minnesotan gun laws over Illinois, you betcha. When will they go ahead and make Chicago it's own state and let the rest of Illinois go about it's business?
your wrong...
not all states use the federal system.
colorado does not.
the feds ok'd a guy who the shot his kids plus suiside by cop...he had domestic restraining orders which SHOULD have stopped the gun sale, but was missed by the fed. co now does is own background checks,..... no fee( DEALERS CHARGE ONE THE STATE DOES NOT).
HANDGUNS WITHIN YOUR STATE, rifle and shotgun anywhere....that observes the us constitution...
mike in co
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the 'call-in' has nothing to do with the FOID card or ILLINOIS.
It's the same 'call-in' everywhere, to the same number, it's a national thing.
It's just that Illinois has tighter state regs and you have to have a FOID card and wait 24hrs.

I'm an IL resident and bought a 22 rifle in KY last wednesday.
The FFL had to check my FOID card and made me wait untill friday to pick it up, but they called the normal 'call-in' number, not IL state Police or anything like that.

BTW, the FOID card is issued by the IL State Police, you CAN call them, it's just a bit of a search to get the FOID division.
They dont advertise their number or put it on the card itself.

Cheers, YV
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All is well! Or should be well! We will see. Man that's a lot of will's!!!

Beleive it or not there are actually 13 other FOID card holders in the state of Illinois with my exact Name. Who Knew!! I guess one of them might be in trouble???? Glad it isnt me, thats all i know!

I was rabbit hunting with some guys at work last week. we all take an afternoon off of work to go. While we were hunting, we got checked by the conservation police. It was kinda like we were guilty of something, and we had to prove that we were not. Anyway all three of us that were hunting together are good people, and we would never think of breaking the law intentionally. We do this rabbit hunt every year the week of our thanksgiving break at work, and we have been checked at least two other times by the same lady officer, and we are always compliant. Anyway this year Carl had one single shotgun slug in his truck, that had fallen out of his coat a few days before when he went out to his farm to sight in his deer slug shotgun. " thats another Illinois Law. No deer hunting with rifles" So Carl received a 100$ ticket or whatever it was, for having that slug in his truck while hunting. Basically, you can not, by law have in your possession a shotgun slug while hunting anything other than deer during deer season. Strange but its the law, and hell we all know this. Every time you get checked here in Illinois they check for your licenses, your magazine capacity, and they check to see if you have any deer slugs in your possession. Carl simply didn't realize it was on the floor in his back seat area. His mistake and he knows it. I couldn't but help to think that maybe my denial the next day had something to do with that slug. I really didnt see how it could have been related to that, but heck, i had no other idea why i was denied, other than a simple computer error, as it turned out was the case. I couldn't help but wonder though!!!
Illinois is home to me, and i will never leave, My farm is here, my work is here, and my family is here. I dont like living in a democratic state, and Chicago gives us southern boys a lot of grief. Like i say though, this is my home, so i have no choice but to vote every chance i can, and live with the results! Thats the scoop!! Thanks lee
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YoooVinny is correct about buying guns out of state. I work in the hunting dept. at a BPS in Iowa and we ask to see the FOID card for Illinois residents, they complete the 4473 form, we call it in to NICS, get the 'proceed' and then they have to wait 24 hrs before they can pick up their firearm at the store.
So are California and New York. There may be others. IL is the only one of the 48 that has exactly zero provision for Concealed Carry.


for all practical purposes, there is not concealed carry in New Jersey.

out here in California, CCW is done on a county by county basis. the only county that will not issue a CCW to anyone is San Francisco, but i believe that is not a surprise to anyone.

i live in Riverside County and do have a CCW, although they are somewhat difficult to procure because they do not accept ' personal safety' as a valid 'good cause'. Go next door to San Bernardino and you can use 'personal safety' as cause.

Given that San Berdoo is the biggest producer of methamphetamine in the U.S., it is somewhat comforting that the sheriff there has more realistic values.
The real kicker is that my sister can't buy ammo in Ill. without a FOID since she lives there. However my Mo drivers license lets me get whatever I want.