My First Tennon !

Pete Wass

Well-known member
My First Tenon !

I went to my shop today to do a couple of small jobs and prepare a place for my Hobby Mill due in tomorrow. I decided to take a run at threading a practice Tenon. I was amazed that I was able to set up my lathe, remembering what Tubalcain had shown me and cut the threads. I can't say it was perfection but I was able to cut the threads without cutting a releif in front of the threads, which pleased me. I was also able to "Pick Up" the thread, per Ole Tubal. I may be ready, finally - - - -
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Pete do you have the Hobby Mill up and running and if so how is it working out for you I am highly interested in your investment as I am looking for something along the same lines.

Good job pete, you seem like a smart fella and im sure you will have this process licked in not time. Its amazing what we can accomplish with just a little bit of interest and a little bit of self will. Keep us in the know Pete, i for one am very interested in your progress. Pics to are always fun. Good Job Pete!! Lee
The New Mill

I finlly got to make something on my new Mill last Wednesday. I borrowed a friend's Turbo bolt tool and copied the body of it.

I used a piece of 1.25" X 1.25" aluminum stock, scribed layout marks on it and went to town! It took me about 3 hours, learning about everything as I went. I finally get the hint that Aluminum needs lots of speed to yield a good finish.

The one thing I am finding to be an issue is the distance between the spinlde and table. There isn't much room for drilling when using a large drill. A Bridgeport it is not!

The machine is made well and easy to use. I will get some pictures and try to post them.
