My first stock project


New member
I have a stock coming in the mail that will need some areas built back up. What is the best substance to use? If it helps I will be building an area back up that is about .5in x .5in x 1.5in.

I had an idea last night. I thought about damming the area up and pouring accraglass in where I want to build the stock back up. The first photo is the stock, the second I shaded the area in where I wanted to build the stock back up. Is this a good way of doing it or is there a better way? Also does anyone know what this stock is originally for?



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Yeah you can dam it up and fill it in. For the best results you will want to put something in to reinforce the acraglass, think of rebar in concrete. Do you have any profile shots of the stock? May help in identification..
I filled a slot in one similar a few years back. I cut a wood block from fir to fit the hole and glued it in place with 2 ton epoxy then bedded over it. Worked out well.

if I was working with that stock I'd use something like Devcon F to fill that area in hell I'd even mill a little more out just to give a better base to what ever action I was planning to fit in there.

Fit a piece of walnut in as best you can and then glass it in place, inlet for your action and glass bed it. Neatness does count. :D
I have a stock coming in the mail that will need some areas built back up. What is the best substance to use? If it helps I will be building an area back up that is about .5in x .5in x 1.5in.


Rough up rotary file and fill the whole inlet area using a clear expoxy compound that accepts coloring to match the existing wood color, along with fiberglass chips/strands for added strength, something like Accraglass or same.

Seal off the entire bottom trigger gaurd area and holes with tape and spatual/pour the epoxy/fiberglass from the top. Let cure.

This way you will start with a blank canvas that has the best structural integrety from a full fill pour, as opposed to a piece meal bandaid here bandaid there.

Milll and drill for the action you want to install.

Easiest, simplest, and strongest having to calculate and make special filler pieces and pre-bond, no unsightly pre-existing inlet cuts will be leftover.....................Don