My first screamer

Chocolate Moose

New member
This weekend I shot this 5 shot group in the Sweedish Open Benchrest LV200 Championship. It was measured at 4.98mm at 200 meters, I believe that's a .177 at 200 yards.

My rifle is a Borden Rimrock BR and I used 68 grain Barts Ultra bullets.

The Norwegian national record today is 8.17 mm, so I believe it's a new record too :D

This weekend I shot this 5 shot group in the Sweedish Open Benchrest LV200 Championship. It was measured at 4.98mm at 200 meters, I believe that's a .177 at 200 yards.

My rifle is a Borden Rimrock BR and I used 68 grain Barts Ultra bullets.

The Norwegian national record today is 8.17 mm, so I believe it's a new record too :D

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That will get the job done anywhere.
This weekend I shot this 5 shot group in the Sweedish Open Benchrest LV200 Championship. It was measured at 4.98mm at 200 meters, I believe that's a .177 at 200 yards.

My rifle is a Borden Rimrock BR and I used 68 grain Barts Ultra bullets.

The Norwegian national record today is 8.17 mm, so I believe it's a new record too :D

View attachment 17804

Something to be proud of. Well done! Keep up the good work.

Gene Beggs
I used an online calculator 4.98mm is .196 inch. But you are shooting 218 yards and we shoot 200.
I am sure it looked tiny through the scope!
I did not back it up 18 yards to see if it comes out .177 math and moa makes my little brain hurt!
Thank you

Thank you all, for all the kind words.

Yes, it looked quite small through the scope, and it really felt good. Wind conditions were quite difficult, with varying strength and switchy, so I had to wait to shoot. Last shot was fired only seconds before the ceasefire.

Best regards, Paal Otto
Groups like that will imprint on your mind. You will see it in your dreams. You and your Rifle will be remembered because of that group.
Your friends will admire you. You will become forever addicted to this Sport. "CONGRATULATIONS"

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Congratulations! Funny thing is I was digging through my benchrest equipment today and ran across my first screamer patch. Even after many years it put a smile on my face. Hope this is the first of many.
Awesome!!!!! Hope the record gets confirmed for you. Let us know when the officials put their stamp of approval on your record. Then we can all scream and shout!