My best barrel to date:

Pete Wass

Well-known member
Finally got around to fitting up a new barrel I had bought during the winter for my Myers. The barrel slugged exceptionally well and is reasonably straight and it machined kindly. Cut the best chamber I have cut to date in a rimfire in it and the outside polished up nicely using my new RE 40 collet setup I bought last winter. I noticed the chips seemed not as crunchy as others I have had in the past, nice feel on the reamer and longer, thinner shavings.

So, about mid day, after cutting the extractor grooves I took it to the range. Seemed to shoot pretty well naked and a bit better with my Ezell tuner on it. The best part was how easily it cleaned up when I got it back home. I had fired about 75 shots through it and I expected a big carbon ring but I guess the extrey polishing I did to the throat may have nullified it , to some extent OR it may be a good lot of steel, time will tell. AND NO LEAD. I tested with the magic Lead remover and no orange at all. Life seems good.

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Hi Pete
I can appreciate the feeling when something you work on works out well. If I remember my metallurgy, crunchy chips imply very hard steel. Nice stringy chips imply a good heat treat.

Hi Pete
I can appreciate the feeling when something you work on works out well. If I remember my metallurgy, crunchy chips imply very hard steel. Nice stringy chips imply a good heat treat.


Yes, it does feel good to do it yourself and have it work. No waiting months and paying a half a fortune to get the work done. Sometimes the sun does shine.
