muzzle brake thread size to caliber ratio

i bought another swresbury brake based on your reccomendation.
this is going on my 1000 yd br 300 win mag.
the muzzle is close to 1 in and the brake is a number 4...0.970 od.
ok here is the question..i dont want to turn the bbl down to the small thread on the brake.
i plan on opening the brake and recutting the threads to 3/4-20......thread the bbl to match.
have you done this ?? does it make sense ?
mike in co

Here are a couple of pictures of a .550" barrel (HS Precision 300 short mag).

This brake is .700 in diameter. I don't like them any smaller although it could be turned down to match the barrel contour... I think the larger diameter works a bit better.

Rather than try and take it right down to the barrel contour I prefer to stay a few thou larger and finish with a small radius.



Blasted for a dull finish.