Mram does Kentucky play today?

How ‘bout them Red Raiders. First Final Four.

I have to pull for them. I have sent enough money to Texas Tech in the past years they should name a building after me.

Getting ready to send more. My oldest Grand Daughter Abi starts in the Fall, the next one Katie the next year.

How many of you can remember those two at Matches some 10 years ago. Time flys.
Jackie, I remember the first and she was just a toddler.My son and daughter in law were at Tech, I have a nephew,2 cousins, grand nieces, and a bunch more family there or graduated from there. I will root for them for sure.
Hey, hey...

Ya'll take it easy! We take basketball losses at this point of the season seriously here! It ain't funny today....Maybe tomorrow I can laugh, but not right now. ;)

Congrats to Auburn... and to Michigan State... as they beat some school for the blind from NC today, that I'd never heard of! :cool:


edit...Actually, my wife and I will both benefit in her work bracket pot if Michigan St and Izzo can pull it off. So....ouch...go Michigan State...Ouch!!! :eek:
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Ezell you just crossed the line with that school for the blind comment from NC. . By the way I use to think you were kinda of a nice guy. Just sayin.


Lol! What's their name again? Don't you live in the same town as THE university of the blind, in Ohio?
There are some in Michigan who remember Michigan State University as Michigan Agricultural College. Some even call it, to this day, Moo U.
GO Texas Tech.

I was on the fence if Duke were to face Texas Tech. Now that Duke lost to Michigan State, I will definitely be cheering for the Red Raiders.

On my bracket, I actually had Duke and Houston in the Finals.
I see a bunch of “this user is on your ignore list” posts.....

Sadly, you know they “played” today..... ugh
Man, Bill, you are almost as old as I.

Iram, I wonder why you have so many of us on this and other forums on your ignore list. Then you post an answer to our comments, yuk yuk yuk.
Texas Tech,Red Raiders

Im with you Nez. I Pick Tech to win the National Championship. Getting past Michigan will be the test.

Tech has got the tools to pull it off. Having a Bobby Knight protege on the sideline, greatly improves their chances.

Man, Bill, you are almost as old as I.

Iram, I wonder why you have so many of us on this and other forums on your ignore list. Then you post an answer to our comments, yuk yuk yuk.

Tread lightly, Sir. The first ban was for a couple days. Don’t make me ban you for a second offense. It’s much longer.
While you’re at it, ban me too Bam Bam. You’re on my easy to ignore list though I peak in to see who you’re insulting from time to time. Ban Ram might be a better name.
Guys, I can’t see your posts for another couple days due to your prior offenses. Feel free to reply in a week.
I am a Bama grad. Unfortunately, my oldest son attends Auburn. Due to my investment, I am pulling for Auburn. You had to know they were going to beat Kentucky if you have been watching Auburn play. I pick them to win it all.