Mr Collins.



How do I get in touch with Mr Collins about test lots of ammo? What information is needed about my rifle in order to suggest the best possible test lots for it. thank you for any help. garrisone.

Good luck on contacting Bob.. Several people have posted that they have called him and e-mailed him and received no answer.
Bob is being very conspicious by his absence from this forum, during the last 30 days..

Just pick up the phone.

Just pick up the phone and dial.


Not to be a smart azzz but don't you think if I had his number I would have called him before posting on this webb sight. I thank you and all for your kind exspressions of help. garrison
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Hey dude, Big Macky listed Bob's # and email address on this thread after your initial post? You had the #? If you'd have read it......

posted by Big Macky: see eblow

You can contact Bob at 1-478-472-7176
or via E-Mail to

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Some of us must be closer to the man than others. Some of us are not privy to be able to call the man at will. If I could have dialed his number and talk to him I would have saved myself from haveing to post on this webb sight. I know nothing of the man or any way to contact him. Thank you for your post and you kind exspressions of help.garrison.
Oviously I must have missed the number. Thank you for your help. garrisone
You can contact Bob at 1-478-472-7176

Bob advertises on this site, the above # is his business # for ammo sales, and he uses that # to sell ammo. Bob's a good guy, give him a call and he will do his best to help you with whatever ammo you want.

If that don't work call me and I'll call Bob for ya, or email him.
Best of luck to ya.
Thank you

Kent -thanks for the information . It is a big help. I don't know Bob Collins be was told he could help me get some test lots for my rifle. Thanks again for your kind responce to my post.
I understand.


Not to be a smart azzz but don't you think if I had his number I would have called him before posting on this webb sight. I thank you and all for your kind exspressions of help. garrison

I know you were merely trying to get his contact info which someone point is it appears there are some here lately that it appears are in a p*ss*ng match so if I were Bob I probably wouldn't be on much either.

Some of us also take for granted that everyone is as tied to thier email and the net and think if thier emails don't get answered that someone is snubbing them. That is why I would not rely on email and just call him.

He is a good guy to deal with and will steer you in the right direction on ammo.

Good luck with your ammo can be both frustrating but also fun.

You're welcome Garrisone! When you get ammo for that smoke pole, come on up to WIlkesboro and shoot some matches with us this year. Probably some folks there you'll know, the Hepler boys(DJ and Danny), ALvis Beach, Craig Young, and a several others of noteriety, all peaceable folks.