More Rimfire "Drama" Part 2



Ok Foster.............You talked me into it, Sure miss shooting with the old orginals.....I didnt mean to say old...anyway I will dig the 40x out " The Grasshopper" and hope to shoot with you guys..........Nice to hear from you...Ernie
i have found many of the guys on here to be great people. we may have different ideals of things, but at the range they will sure help you if you are willing to listen and learn.

i'm a first year rookie. i am open to any help i can get. you can poke me with sharp sticks. you can call me names. i'll always listen to what a proven shooter has to say.

that may be the very problem on here. we have people who are not open to what other shooters voicing what they alone think.

what they need to do is win many many matches then come back and say here is what i did to win. i used a xxxxxxxxx rifle with xxxxxxxx and xxxxxx done by xxxxxxx to do what i did last year.

i have seen alot of fussing(and i have been right in the middle of it because i know the person starting it has only shot in 2 or 3 matches). i'm sorry.

i use the name mr. nobody because that is what i am. i'm a nobobody. i will never see my name up in lights any place i go to shoot. i shoot in the middle or closer to the tail end of every match i go to.

at least i am honest. i know nothing. i back it up with every post. i want to learn. i'm not rich. i'm not retired. i have to work for everything i get. i don't hide the fact that my job limits what matches i can go to.

you can poke me with sharpened sticks, call me names, spit in my face, or do what ever you think will degrade me. i'll keep coming back for more because i enjoy the sport. i have met many great people at the ranges i go to.

please stop all the crap we see on here. it is only hurting our sport. i'm as giulty as anybody of telling martin to win matches to back up his ideals. he's not a bad man. he just hasn't earned the right to preach to us like he thinks he has(he could damned well be right and we don't know it then again he could be crazy and not know it).

i for one would love to see all our matches from ir 50/50, a.r.a. to r.b.a. see member ship jump 1000% this year. we simply need more people in every type of competion join in.

the fussing, bitching and moaning we do on here is not helping any of our groups out at all.

can we all grow up and be men and welcome new guys like myself into our group? can we stand up and say please come and join us, we welcome and will be glad to help you out?

i ask this not as a know it all. i ask this as a simple backwoods hick who just wants to see all our shooting sports grow into a better and bigger part of our nation. we are suffering now at our own hands. are we men enough to turn it around is what i want to know!!!!!

notice no chill faces or smiley faces because i wan to know just how many of our fellow shooters are willing to join in and grow our sport in stead of watching it die the death of a earth worm on a hot tin roof.

we need new people to come in and enjoy what we have to offer them. we need to keep our sport growing. the fussing, crying and constant bitching is not helping any of us in any way.

what does it take to open our eyes to what we are destroying?? it's not just a sport but a life style for a great many of us.

i love shooting in my local a.r.a. match. it is truely the high light of my month when i know a match is coming up. i work off the call. when my phone rings all month long i answer it and i go to work. it could be 2:00pm or 4:55 am. but that one match weekend every month i lay off work so i can go.

have i won a single round? nope. not even close. none the less i show up and enjoy myslef. i don't care if i never win a gold star. i care about our sport and seeing to it future generations have the chance to do so!!!

maybe one day my son or stepson can win a gold star the pin onto his cap. that would mean something to me. if i never win a single round of a match doesn't bother me. what does our sport mean to each of you?

is all the fussing on here, all the name calling( there is many who hate calfee on here. he has done alot for our sport. get the fu ck over it). we need to grow our sport. not limit it because we drive new guys away on this website.

can anybody stand up and at least support me on this or am i the only one worried about the future of all our shooting sports?:confused:

if you want a ideal of what others want to know klook at my post about tuning and tempatures. it has over 2,000 viewers because other new guys want to know things. we need help. all the fussing and bitching on here simply drives new people away!!!!

we all need to be more open to new people to see our sport grow. it is honestly that plain and simple. stop being all high and mighty and lend a hand. if you don't you are aiding in the death of our shooting sports and you damned well know it.

i have gotten many p.m.s from great people who will remain nameless. i thank each and every one of you. you seem to care about our sport and don't want to see it die. i care as well. lets end all the b.s and try to help others.

i just want to know who else cares what direction our sport is going in.
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Well said mr. nobody. that is what the sport should be about. you are not a nobody, you have my respect!
Our shooting sport

Mr. Nobody,

Don't worry too much about our sport, and don't let this forum talk get you down.

If you need a lift in spirits just show up at Rocky River barn next weekend and you will see a bunch of great guys having a blast.

No matter what you see on here, remember the shooting is done on the range, and that is what will keep this sport going, not these types of forums.

Wilbur, I'm not saying we don't need these forums, they can be fun and informative, but they are not the life blood of the sport.

Hope to see you, and everyone else at Rocky River!
mr. nobody,

About all I got out of your long message was that you are unhappy with a lot of the people on this forum because they won't help you to learn.

Listen to Keith. He has invited you to the barn to shoot. You can learn more about benchrest shooting at the range by shooting and watching and asking questions and just listening.

Now I am an average benchrest shooter but I have learned that it takes a few things to shoot well in this rimfire benchrest game. Among them are:

1. An exceptional barrel on a good rifle. Many rimfire gunsmiths can build you an exceptional rifle if they have an exceptional barrel.
2. Good ammunition that will shoot uniformly with few flyers.
3. A good rest. A one piece rest is the easiest to use.
4. A good shooter who is willing to get better.

Another thing, I shoot with my friends and have a good time but I compete with myself.

I hope I have given you some help, mr. nobody, so that you may become someone who has a lot of fun shooting and even a few awards of recognition.

Concho Bill
Matches at the RR barn usually involve a few having a blast, (those shooting good scores) and the rest (bunch) wondering where the next miss is going!
If you show up at the "Barn" bring some helium balloons. I tend away from the smiley face ones 'caus by shot 23 they are down right laughing at my fliers. Also, watch out for the 13 year old kid. He will blow your doors off.

see y'all at the Barn,

Al Kunard and Rita
Well Mr. Nobody.....everybody is somebody, so I don't understand your Mr Nobody deal.

Like you ,I dislike the disrepect and bickering, which I really don't mean to come off that way here. As I have said before sometimes it seems like instead of being Benchrest Central it is a forum for Grumpy Ol Men to gather....or to see who can outwit the other.

It is interesting to see how some people get behind a keyboard saying things they wouldn't say in person.

So that is the negative...In my opinion there is much more just have to weed through it to get the information you are looking for.

There really are answers here and for the majority a great bunch of guys here who have so much experience and when it comes to rimfire accuracy and winning matchs have been there, done that.

Believe me, I have been exactly where you are, I shoot mostly in Missouri and every time I go to a match, I am shooting against some of the best in the county. I have also had alot of help from the best in the country. I have even beat some of them from time to time....but they are still more than eager to help a new shooter. That is what keeps the new shooter coming back. This is a great forum but as you have found the real help is all about go to a match.

Now, here is my advise to you and other new shooters who want real help on this forum....Ever since I got interested in shooting ARA 5 years ago, I got on Benchrest Central and have never hid behind a fake name. If I came in last, everyone knew who I was, if I won, everyone knew who I was. I have had 3 pretty good seasons where I finished within the top 25 of the A-Line, I have won some pretty big matchs and had some horrible outings. This last season my wheels fell off my wagon and I had mostly bad finishes....but everyone knows who I am. I am hoping to get things back and hoping for next season. Sorry for being so long getting to my point, but if you really want sincere help from people on this forum I ask, why would I want to help some who never signes with thier name at the end of a post and makes sure they never give out any personal informaion like they are in the witness protection program or something. Mr Nobody from Nowhere?

Open up!! Let people know who you are and where you are from....when they help you and give you advice, let them cheer for you and congratulate you when you do good, and try to help you along when you don't do so well.

I am not trying to make this one of those negative posts, I would help you or any other shooter whith any advice I might have, but why would I or anyone else want to put effort in trying to help someone who won't open the door and let them in?

By the way, I will be at the Barn next week and it would be great to meet you if you plan to be there, but I have no idea who you are or where you are from.

My 2 cents.

i have found many of the guys on here to be great people. we may have different ideals of things, but at the range they will sure help you if you are willing to listen and learn.

i'm a first year rookie. i am open to any help i can get. you can poke me with sharp sticks. you can call me names. i'll always listen to what a proven shooter has to say.

that may be the very problem on here. we have people who are not open to what other shooters voicing what they alone think.

what they need to do is win many many matches then come back and say here is what i did to win. i used a xxxxxxxxx rifle with xxxxxxxx and xxxxxx done by xxxxxxx to do what i did last year.

i have seen alot of fussing(and i have been right in the middle of it because i know the person starting it has only shot in 2 or 3 matches). i'm sorry.

i use the name mr. nobody because that is what i am. i'm a nobobody. i will never see my name up in lights any place i go to shoot. i shoot in the middle or closer to the tail end of every match i go to.

at least i am honest. i know nothing. i back it up with every post. i want to learn. i'm not rich. i'm not retired. i have to work for everything i get. i don't hide the fact that my job limits what matches i can go to.

you can poke me with sharpened sticks, call me names, spit in my face, or do what ever you think will degrade me. i'll keep coming back for more because i enjoy the sport. i have met many great people at the ranges i go to.

please stop all the crap we see on here. it is only hurting our sport. i'm as giulty as anybody of telling martin to win matches to back up his ideals. he's not a bad man. he just hasn't earned the right to preach to us like he thinks he has(he could damned well be right and we don't know it then again he could be crazy and not know it).

i for one would love to see all our matches from ir 50/50, a.r.a. to r.b.a. see member ship jump 1000% this year. we simply need more people in every type of competion join in.

the fussing, bitching and moaning we do on here is not helping any of our groups out at all.

can we all grow up and be men and welcome new guys like myself into our group? can we stand up and say please come and join us, we welcome and will be glad to help you out?

i ask this not as a know it all. i ask this as a simple backwoods hick who just wants to see all our shooting sports grow into a better and bigger part of our nation. we are suffering now at our own hands. are we men enough to turn it around is what i want to know!!!!!

notice no chill faces or smiley faces because i wan to know just how many of our fellow shooters are willing to join in and grow our sport in stead of watching it die the death of a earth worm on a hot tin roof.

we need new people to come in and enjoy what we have to offer them. we need to keep our sport growing. the fussing, crying and constant bitching is not helping any of us in any way.

what does it take to open our eyes to what we are destroying?? it's not just a sport but a life style for a great many of us.

i love shooting in my local a.r.a. match. it is truely the high light of my month when i know a match is coming up. i work off the call. when my phone rings all month long i answer it and i go to work. it could be 2:00pm or 4:55 am. but that one match weekend every month i lay off work so i can go.

have i won a single round? nope. not even close. none the less i show up and enjoy myslef. i don't care if i never win a gold star. i care about our sport and seeing to it future generations have the chance to do so!!!

maybe one day my son or stepson can win a gold star the pin onto his cap. that would mean something to me. if i never win a single round of a match doesn't bother me. what does our sport mean to each of you?

is all the fussing on here, all the name calling( there is many who hate calfee on here. he has done alot for our sport. get the fu ck over it). we need to grow our sport. not limit it because we drive new guys away on this website.

can anybody stand up and at least support me on this or am i the only one worried about the future of all our shooting sports?:confused:

if you want a ideal of what others want to know klook at my post about tuning and tempatures. it has over 2,000 viewers because other new guys want to know things. we need help. all the fussing and bitching on here simply drives new people away!!!!

we all need to be more open to new people to see our sport grow. it is honestly that plain and simple. stop being all high and mighty and lend a hand. if you don't you are aiding in the death of our shooting sports and you damned well know it.

i have gotten many p.m.s from great people who will remain nameless. i thank each and every one of you. you seem to care about our sport and don't want to see it die. i care as well. lets end all the b.s and try to help others.

i just want to know who else cares what direction our sport is going in.
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Charlie, that is the way I think it should be as well. The real name thing that is. That way you are verifiable, and then are more responsible for what you type on the board.

The good match bad match deal happens to most of us.
Enjoy your fellow shooters, without them, there would be no match at all.
Hope Ernie shoots with the guys!

You all may not remember since they have not shot rimfire at Wilmore, Ky for a few years, but Ernie used to be a pretty tough competitor.......and a gentleman too. He had some pretty fine shooting irons and was not afraid to experiment in search of improved accuracy.

Foster, Beau,George, and Jackie:

I'll try to get down to Buck Creek and shoot with you all this Winter. I've had too many demands on my time so far and have not been able to do the real important things, like shooting.

It can get a little crowded in the shooting shack (actually there is hardly room to sling a stud field mouse) but I've had more great times shooting there than most anywhere else. Hope you can keep it going.
Hope Ernie shoots with the guys!

You all may not remember since they have not shot rimfire at Wilmore, Ky for a few years, but Ernie used to be a pretty tough competitor.......and a gentleman too. He had some pretty fine shooting irons and was not afraid to experiment in search of improved accuracy.

Foster, Beau,George, and Jackie:

I'll try to get down to Buck Creek and shoot with you all this Winter. I've had too many demands on my time so far and have not been able to do the real important things, like shooting.

It can get a little crowded in the shooting shack (actually there is hardly room to sling a stud field mouse) but I've had more great times shooting there than most anywhere else. Hope you can keep it going.
Mojo & Foster

It Sure was great shooting with you guys "back in the day".........I cant emphise what all you guys did for me @ BGSL! I sure miss it....The whole crew was top-notch. Sometimes I get on here and ramble before I think. I WILL be there to shoot with you @ Jackies and any other matches within reach.......Its in my blood........We all want to win, buts its the friendship, joking thats means the most.........Joe thanks for the kind words........I got me a new 40x I named "grasshopper"....I have to put a Jewell and probably a 45x Leuie on the soon as i do, I will be Giving You and that " young Foster" a call............hope we get back to the good times........God how do I miss it.................Hope you and yours are fine and hope the best for EVERYONE for the Holidays........Ernie

Does Jackie have any food down there? If not can Fosters wife send us some?:p
Eats at Buckcreek


Jackie has always kept a fridge with pop and a shelf of Snickers, Nabs,and etc. He keps a box for pay on the honor system. Sometimes coffee too.

They have cooked on the grill there too.
we cooked hot dogs at the last match on the grill. it really hit the spot. during the day matches i normally stop and fill my cooler up with ice and cokes, get a bag of chips and a turkey sandwhich.

i have told jackie i have no problem next year bringing a box of pre-patted out hamburgers to cook on the grill and picking up the fixxings(lettice,pickles,tomatoes,ect) for the matches. i never ask for anything in return. it's a chance for all of us to take a break for a minute and enjoy each others company.

anything we can do to help out and attract new people to all of our matches is a plus for the sport.