MOA is best I can get out of my Mod 70

This seems hard to accept without someone actually seeing you do it. Since I do not actually go to the range with you and see you shoot, I am reluctant to make a judgment. But I do think this kind of shooting should be witnessed to be accepted.

You already have made a judgement and it's your right to believe whatever you wish. But lefty doesn't have to prove anything to you.
Before you do anything

Worker, if your zero is moving from weekend to weekend then something is moving. Either your stock screw are not tight enough or your wood stock is moving due to moisture.

1. When you shot your 1 MOA were you on a bench, or shooting prone?

2. What is the intended purpose of your Model 70? Hunting or what?

3. Do you have a wood stock? Did you check to make sure the barrel is free floating?

MOA out of a factory Model 70 actually isnt bad, most people who buy a 700,a 70, or any other off the shelf gun are actually just buying a hunting rifle. Its a niche thing. If the manufacturers give the average joe blow a 1 inch they is happy!!! Heck, half a minute of elk,, minute of deer, pop a yote when needed, and damn, life is good. :D
Also we must remember that the WSM family of cartridges were meant as a short action alternative.
The rifle may weigh 9 lbs and under with scope, compared to the long actions that were about 10 to 11 lbs with scope. May not seem like much, but when humping the woods for a day or a week, 1 to 2 lbs makes one heck of a diffrence. :cool:

As far as the bedding, if ya have a Cooper Mod 22 and havent seen the little splash they put on the recoil area, then look at it. I know mine doesnt look like S... but thats all there is. Go figure.
The price may be a little high, but if its actually aluminum pillars, then maybe close. Some smithys have gone to just glass for the front lug, and rear tang. I havent really noticed any stability issues between either of these, But if done right, it does pay off.

Now let me pose a question to the poster who got on lefty.

If I go out to the range at 7 AM, I shoot a 5 shot group that measures 3/4", and I shoot 3/4" 5 shot groups out of the same rifle every 2 hours thereafter until 5 PM. Then theoreticaly I just shot 3/4" groups all day long!!!!!! Right ?? :D :cool: Think about it and )chill(

Let's assume you are getting a consistant 5 shot group @ 1MOA. As posted, you have a hunting rifle that is probably better than 80-90% of the other hunting rifles, IF THE TRUTH WAS KNOWN.

And you're thinking about paying $250.00 to MAYBE tighten up your groups?

Before you do that, ask yourself the question: is my bench technique up to shooting .5" groups. I'm not knocking you at all but when you start wanting to shoot sub-MOA groups, bench knowledge, attention to detail and, repeatability of effort really comes into play. :)
Aware of proper bench techniques

Let's assume you are getting a consistant 5 shot group @ 1MOA. As posted, you have a hunting rifle that is probably better than 80-90% of the other hunting rifles, IF THE TRUTH WAS KNOWN.

And you're thinking about paying $250.00 to MAYBE tighten up your groups?

Before you do that, ask yourself the question: is my bench technique up to shooting .5" groups. I'm not knocking you at all but when you start wanting to shoot sub-MOA groups, bench knowledge, attention to detail and, repeatability of effort really comes into play. :)

Hello Beemanbeme I was recommended a different smith on this forum that has better prices. Yes I'm aware of proper bench techniques .Not getting consistent 5 shot groups . POI changes from weekend to weekend.