Mirage boards


ron collins

Are they legal to use at a match ??
I saw the one that Carbon River is selling, But in order to use them they would be above the legal line that the flags use.
What is the rules on mirage boards, ?????
Are they legal to use at a match ??
I saw the one that Carbon River is selling, But in order to use them they would be above the legal line that the flags use.
What is the rules on mirage boards, ?????

Yes, most if not all tournaments provide mirage boards between between targets..............Don
Mirage Boards

Mirage Boards seperate from the the target board must be set according to the flag rule.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Greetings. I have no idea, so- What do these do, how do they aid with mirage? Thanx.


Mirage boards are typically seen on either side of each target on the target line, at a short range Benchrest match. They are rectangles that may be as tall as the target holder and maybe a little wider, covered with horizontal stripes alternating white and black of perhaps 1" width. Their purpose is to make mirage more visible, so that it may be more easily read, and used as the last wind flag. Please feel free to modify, correct or disagree. Here is a video that shows them at the Cactus Classic.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfGuaTnsEYU
He can't

Can you point me to the section in either organizations rules where this is specified?
Thank you.

BUT don't be surprised if there is a petition circulated . I don't know why the Body Politic lost their minds with regard to Windflags but it did. Mirage Boards are sure to be next. :rolleyes:
Mirage Boards

The flag rule includes everything set between the bench and the target board. Common Sense.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Mirage boards/indicators are actually mandatory at any Australian registered benchrest match. Since we rarely seem to shoot a match down here where there is no mirage (except maybe in the cold months), they are a very handy thing to have.

The original Poster was asking about a seperate mirage board not the ones on the target frame. My only comment is he can use one as long as he follows the flag rule in setting the height.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR