Mill Dot hold off in Wind explanded


Registered User
I've just read of a very simple formula to help gauge how much aim-off to use when shooting in wind.

All you need to know are the distance to the target, and the wind speed.

Simply divide the distance by 10, divide the wind speed by 2, then multiply the two figures together to give the number of mil-dots you need to aim off.

Let's use a 40 yard target with a 12mph wind as an example....

40 divided by 10 = 4

12 divided by 2 = 6

0.4 x 6 = 2.4 (mil-dots)

Now obviously this isn't a definitive, as exactly pellet placement will depend on various other factors, but it does give informed help, rather than just guessing.

Thank's to Gambo on Planet Airgun UK for this.....Franky
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I've just read of a very simple formula to help gauge how much aim-off to use when shooting in wind.

All you need to know are the distance to the target, and the wind speed.

Simply divide the distance by 10, divide the wind speed by 2, then multiply the two figures together to give the number of mil-dots you need to aim off.

Let's use a 40 yard target with a 12mph wind as an example....

40 divided by 10 = 4

12 divided by 2 = 6

0.4 x 6 = 2.4 (mil-dots)

Now obviously this isn't a definitive, as exactly pellet placement will depend on various other factors, but it does give informed help, rather than just guessing.

Thank's to Gambo on Planet Airgun UK for this.....Franky

Now using 40/10 = 4 ; and 12/2 = 6
we have 4 x 6 = 24 mil dots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder what scope allows for that? :)
Perhaps Gambo meant range / 100 ???
In any case I doubt the formula will catch on in BR circles. ... Best regards, Harry.

What a useless piece of information!!!! In case you didn't know, this is a BENCHREST forum, we don't use MIL DOTS nor care about non-sense recipes or FORMULAS for shooting!!!
The English forums are loaded with negative posts about this formula, everyone who has tried it say it doesn't work!

Many of us members have also read Hatcher's Notebook, Field Artillery and Firepower and all of those books you read and from where you get information for "your" later claims and findings...Your enthusiasm with air guns and a life full of claims and findings about useless Ballistic Coefficients for PELLET shaped projectiles is OK, but keep it for other forums where you lead the flock and find people who still believes in you and want to hear your WHOOPERS!...
I have a real serious problem with your credibility.

This is one SERIOUS forum I like and respect very much, so you better keep it clean and don't pollute it Harry or Yrrah or whoever you are...or better, STAY OUT!....Really!...You are like a computer VIRUS!, you step in anywhere you can with your bogus non-sense crap and false claims and hijack/destroy any good forum or thread...

Take a look at what you have done with the Yellow Forum over the years and to what you are doing to A G Nation; very unfortunately many members in those forums don't distinguish your fantasies (Whoopers) & from reality and don't make me say more or publish the extensive information/FALSE claims that I have collected from your posts and threads in those forums.
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It is somewhat noteworthy that Harry was not actually the guy that posted the "useless information".....and also that he seemed to agree with you that it may not be something a benchrest shooter might find helpful.

Besides that, I have found a great deal of what Harry has provided over the years as very useful information.

Shame on you Azuaro. Harry is one of the best minds in the air rifle world, and has done a great deal to move from rumor and anecdote toward measurement and science. And he is always a gentleman in his posts.

There should be forums for reasoned disagreement but not mindless ad hominem.
