Mike Ratigan, 2nd US dealer for NEO rest.

Hi All,

(With Wilbur's permission):

I am glad to announce that Mike Ratigan (in Mooreland, OK) is now the 2nd USA dealer for the NEO rest.

Mike will take order from benchresters only. He would forward the non benchresters to Ernie Bishop (in Gillette, WY).

This is Mike's contact info:
email: mike22ppc@yahoo.com
Cell: 580-334-8426

The NEO rest you would get from Mike would be a bit different than my regular NEO. It will be equipped with a counter weight, 'Remington shot' spike on the legs, delrin stopper (to replace the rubber O-rings), and probably shorter leveling screws.

For more information & pricing, please call/email Mike.

Please also note that the NEO rest is hand made & hand fitted. We work on first come first serve basis, we have a waiting list. If you are in a hurry to get a front rest, this rest is not for you. Thanks you for your understanding & supports!

Best Regards,
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Seb you might try to get Wilbur to pin this one so it will stay on top for awhile.
Seb, I am a benchrester shooting score and have on order a NEO from Ernie. At the time of ordering there was an 11 month. That was 3 or 4 months ago and I would hope my order gets filled prior to any that Mr. Ratigan gets! Will those orders to Ernie already in the 'books' be filled prior to Mike's orders? Respectfully, Randy Jarvais
Thanks you Vern. I am already very happy that Wilbur allows me to post in this forum. I cannot ask more.

Randy, thanks you for choosing my rest for your shooting needs.
To be honest to you, I do not know every people in Ernie's list. However, Ernie usually tells me if someones need specific/custom item such as non regular bags etc.
If you have already ordered a rest from Ernie, may I suggest you to stay with him? (for a win-win solution).
I'm trying my best to shorten the waiting time, with any possible efforts, also to make my rests better from time to time.

Afternoon All,

Seb asked that I post some detail about the Seb Neo Rests, my English is slightly better.

Seb asked me to help him refine his new rest in the late winter of 2009. As you might imagine I asked what type of help he was looking for,

1: for me to give feedback on how great it was, or
2: to give negative feedback geared towards improvement.

Seb wanted the feedback to improve his product.

This started about a year long process from early 2010 into 2011 of emails, photos, photoshop, drawings, faxes.....etc. I even talked about flying to Indonesia......

Many changes in the design where made to the first prototype. One early challenge to this process was Seb providing a couple early rests to others, at the same time I am working with Seb on changes, there were a couple shooters telling how great some of the features where on this rest at the same time I am telling Seb these same features will not work in the game I play.

I used my prototype NEO at the 2010 NBRSA Nationals, refined model for the 2011 World Championships in France and the 2011 NBRSA Nationals. I will not use sub standard equipment.

I don't think that one rest will work to perfection in every shooting discipline, I focused my efforts on 10.5 pound and 13.5 pound 3" wide forearm Benchrest rifles.

It has taken me the better part of a year to decide to handle the NEO Rests, and my agreement to provide NEO rests is not intended to change delivery times but to provide a rest for a specific purpose.

The NEO rests from me will be configured specifically for Competitive Benchrest shooters as follows,

One piece 3" front bag,
Static Counter weight,
Leaf spring delete (removes live counter pressure),
Feet will have Remington shots for points, as used on other rests, (regular point delete)
Smooth front stop (plastic with no o'rings),
Long leg to the rear, with short foot (for handle clearance),
Seb advises that he is considering my request for adjusters for side plates that need no tools to adjust, (for the time you borrow a rifle that's .050 wider than yours),

I am most likely forgetting something but this will give you some idea of the differences.

As you can see a 17lb rifle with a 5" forend will not work on this rest, it will not fit into the bag, and the counter weight is not heavy enough to hold the rifle up.

If you have questions about the BR specific changes for the 10.5 and 13.5lb rifles feel free to contact me, phone is better, I can talk faster than I type.

Sorry for being a bit windy

My Best Regards,

Mike Ratigan
Maybe you could post some visual images of the improvements. The ones we can see anyway. I haven't seen a Neo with a one piece bag yet. If and when you can find some time of course. Thanks for sharing. Lee
Ditto on the link not working.

My question is, Why should I move from the original SEB rest to the NEO? What are the advantages?
I think one of the major improvements would be the major adjustment. I had a seb 1 and it was nice, but i didnt like the ergonomics of it. I think the insides are improved a little as well?? I have one on order, so i did some homework on the NEO. A shooting friend of mine has a NEO and it has the smoothest travel i have ever felt in a coax rest. I think the wait will be worth the reward. Lee
Calvin, then there is a seb for sale in canada, that would be an advantage, you can try mine in billings in a couple of weeks, and there is no advantage, it is just to see who has the bigger dick club, that is all, stick to your SEB (as it was a step up from your joystick that used to go in a circle, that always amazed me)

later Jeff
So Jeff if I read right you are making the trip to Billings? That is GREAT news. I take it things are going well? Say hi to your lovely songbird Robin for me. Really looking forward to seeing you.
Seb, the links are working now. Good looking front bag setup!

How do you adjust the tension on the sides of the bag? In the picture i dont see how you could do so. thanks Lee