Michigan Score Challenge 100/300yds



What a day we had today. This morning at 100yds rain and gusty switching winds and cold. We had 3-250s shot by a group of pretty good score schooters in VFS; Jim Dyke 250-20x; Larry Fuesse 250-15x and Dan Groleau 250-11x and Jim and Dan are new shooters to our range. In the Custom class Jeff Aberegg 243-5x; Bob Eklund 242-3x and Kathy Bertch 239 8x. After a lunch break and moving of target frames to 300yds we got busy again. Temperature seemed to warm up a little and we were able to get rid of the gloves and hats but the winds kept it up and seemed to come out of the northwest with occassional gusts from a few different directions. In VFS Larry Feusse shot a 237-3x which is now a new club record. Paul (0-x) Becigneal came in 2nd with a 236-0x and Dave Howie had a 235-3x. 300 yds is a real challenge. Getting on paper was also a lot of fun but with everyone helping each other we were able to have some fun. The Grand Agg winner was who would have guessed; Larry Feusse 487-18x; 2nd was Paul Becigneal 485-10x and 3rd was Dan Groleau 483-13x. What we learned today was that 300yds is what has put the challenge in the Michigan Score Challenge (MSC). Our next match in this series will be at Holton on June 14th at 100 and 200yds. Hope you can make it.
Did someone say CHALLENGE......?

Wow, that 300 yds is something else!:eek: Maybe it was the extra 2 ft. that did it. In that wind in order to hit the mothball you had to hold off way over to the side of the outer ring, then if the wind picked up a little or let up a little and you didn't catch it right, the shot would go 3 rings out.:confused::eek: I lost 8 points on one target. :eek:
And them 300 yd targets are huge! To go with my huge groups, I guess.
But we had a blast!:D
If anyone didn't make it to this one and has regrets about not being in the Michigan Score Challenge, don't worry, you can still participate and do well. This match was a best of 2 event, as the whole thing will be repeted on October 17, where those who didn't do well will have a chance to redeem themselves, and those who didn't make it will have a chance to get into the Challenge.

See you there,
VFS af 300 yards

I have never tried it but I think it should be fun to shoot VFS at 300 yards.
I guess it is a totally differnt game from 100 yard shooting. At 100 yards one is strifing for the x´s as they almost always deside the winner. One is screwed anyway if one drops a point. At 200 one strifes for the 10´s Shooting "clean" is good in it self the x´s beeing a bonus when they happen. At 300 I suppose one the main issue is to drop as few points as one can, not especially conserned with getting x´s.Of course if one gets mainly good 10´s chances are that a few x´s will come as a bonus.

Would a 6BR with 105-115 gr VLD bullets be an advantage at 300 ?
Would the less winddrift more than make up for less accuracy than a 6PPC with 68 gr bullet ?

At 100 .30BR quite obviously has advantage to a 6PPC, less so at 200 and probably none at 300 Any opinions ?

The results seem to say

I have never tried it but I think it should be fun to shoot VFS at 300 yards.
I guess it is a totally differnt game from 100 yard shooting. At 100 yards one is strifing for the x´s as they almost always deside the winner. One is screwed anyway if one drops a point. At 200 one strifes for the 10´s Shooting "clean" is good in it self the x´s beeing a bonus when they happen. At 300 I suppose one the main issue is to drop as few points as one can, not especially conserned with getting x´s.Of course if one gets mainly good 10´s chances are that a few x´s will come as a bonus.

Would a 6BR with 105-115 gr VLD bullets be an advantage at 300 ?
Would the less winddrift more than make up for less accuracy than a 6PPC with 68 gr bullet ?

At 100 .30BR quite obviously has advantage to a 6PPC, less so at 200 and probably none at 300 Any opinions ?


that the 30 BR gives up nothing to anything else at 300. There may be the odd day when something else will best it but all and all, the 30 BR has been able to hold it's own. ( I won't say it's superior even though I want to :) )!

I have always derived more pleasure from shooting 200 and 300 yard events. It feels a lot better to win a long distance match than a 100 to me. Blind hogs don't do that well at long distance, I don't think :D .
Other than being cold an wet Saturday morning, I didn't hear of anyone bad mouthing 300 yards................ it was just plain fun!!! An Francis, remember when you fixed my scope I said......... I'll never bad mouth you ever again? Though I can't remember if I said, that was to your face or to other shooters? As I said, other than being cold it was a whole lot of fun an everyone helped each other trying to get on at 300 yards. I was there on Thursday with both guns sighted in at 300, that was with the warm weather an the sun out. On Saturday, it was raining an cold everyone was a good foot to the right!!! An did I mentiion the mirage? Who would have thought. Great first match, Tom an Larry put a lot of work into this so give them a pat on the back, well run match an all I had to do was listen to Francis cry all day Friday but, I'll take one for the team!!

Jeff Aberegg
A few pics of the winners


and the Wind flags...


For the rest of the pictures go here!

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I could see it with my eye

but catching it all with the camera is not easy.... But, the other pics I took, came out. That was the toughest shoot I can say I ever done, with a gun.
At dark:30 we went to a Thai-Chinese reastaurant with people who I thought were my friends and then they all beat me up on Saturday. .....the 100 yard portion, which I was supposed to win. ...... I was supposed to win the 300 yard match. I didn't. After the calculations had been completed, we had the awards ceremony and the only mention of the name Francis was when Tom Majewski said, "Francis will now have a drawing for the winner of the Gene Beggs Tuner that Gene Beggs donated to the Michigan IBS Score Challenge". I was supposed to win that. I didn't. .
I wish to thank Tom Majewski, Larry Feusse, Gene Begg, and the entire list of contestants for making this a beautiful day. Got to love bench rest.

They are all out to get you Francis !
