Guys, no need to bicker about this. I got my answer from leftyo in the second answer. Thank you very much. And I've already cut the bolt notch into the rear of the rail. Used a hack saw and a small file. Took about two hours and turned out fine. The new bolt goes in and turns down nicely. Now I have to notch out the stock. The original handle, even though it turned down, began it's turn down well outside the rcvr rail and the stock. The stock doesn't even have an indentation for the bolt handle. Whatever. Re the two protrusions on the front of the bolt at the ejector slot, according to a nice fellow on the Hybred forum, they're there to prevent the cartridge case from moveing to the left, away from the extractor claw, when removeing a fired case or unfired cartridge. Though why that should happen I don't know, but apparently the German designer's thought it worth preventing.
Now, does anyone have a set of 8MM go-no go guages they're willing to lend me so I can avoid the "Tie it down to the bench, twenty foot string" method of test fireing with a full length resized handload. The new bolt "feels" the same as the original when I close it on a fired case.
Seriously, I thank everyone for their comments.
Bill B.