I have an older sporterised military Mauser in 8MM that I bought as a youngster many years ago. I've put a few rounds into targets and deer so I know it shoots my 8MM reloads reasonably well and safely. The barrel was shortened to 24", a ramp front sight installed and it has a Redfield peep for the rear. When I was 17 without a pot to pea in this was a bargain for $60. As I said, the previous owner sporterised it so it doesn't have any collectors value. Just sentimental value to me. The rcvr is marked 1916, Oberndorf, so this could have been a WW-I take home, Whatever. I want to tinker and install a new bolt so I can mount a scope. I bought a Mauser bolt with a handle made for clearing a scope BUT it only fits about 98% into the rcvr. The handle swoops down and contacts the rear rcvr rail before it fully closes. The rcvr rail isn't notched out for the bolt handle as are my other commercial Mauser's. Is it safe to cut away, grind away, a notch to allow the bolt to fully close ? Also, whats the purpose of those small protrusions at the bolt face opposite the ejector clamp. They extend slightly from the ejector slot cut into the side of the bolt. Commercial mauser faces are flush at this place.
Anyone. Thanks, Bill B.
Anyone. Thanks, Bill B.