Mathew Keller tames the Rock



Congrads to Mathew for an outstanding preformance at the Rock this weekend in taking the 2 gun honors. Lots of 0's and teen aggs. shot. Well run match by Roy Darnell. Terry Leonard was 2nd. Wallace Browning shot a .047 and came in 5 th in the 2 gun. A rookie shooter won the HV 100 for his first win (can't recall name)
Doug McRae shot exceptionally well this weekend winning 2 of the 4 yardages. Those were actually his 2nd and 3rd wins, as he got his first down in Rachel's Glen this year. He keeps it up he is going to be a force in the SER as he is off to a great start.

Always fun to watch Wallace Browning shoot well. He always seems to come up with some fantastic groups, and he really hit one this time with that miniscule .047.

Shooting against Terry is no picnic as he just doesn't crack. He's tuuuuuuuuuuff, as there at the end he just kept shooting small groups.

Absolutely fun match. Had a blast. JD always keeps things interesting, and shooting beside Kenny McRary always adds more fun to a match. Had a great time, well put on match by Mr. Darnell and his help.

Matthew S Keller

BTW: JD, I can't believe you still don't know how to spell my name. I'ma quit tellin' people I'm shooting your bullets. :D (I can't help but give JD hell)
A damn pure benchrester!

Ain't no flash in the pan here, folks, it's years of hard work and thousands of miles of travel and money. My hat's off to Grandpappy too. You two are the real "benchresters!"
Charlie H