Matches & Rifle ownership


Mr. Pappas writes: "David,thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us. I especially like the sentence where you compare us to the Mafia. Are you sure you want to shoot with us? I don't think you quite understand rimfire br. More than a few people on this board spent their own money and time to build benches and ranges and even organizations to shoot rimfire br. All rimfire organizations have procedures to change rules. It might be better if you shot some matches before you make your suggestions."

To this I reply: I did not compare you to the Mafia, I used that as an example of organizations which continue to exist after the reason for their being was long gone. I have shot some matches and have enjoyed them. I also stated I was able to participate, but am aware that others want to and can't. So I thoughtfully explored the subject. You seem to want to be negative and argumentative. Is it so difficult to discuss an issue without personalizing and attacking me ? Is your ego so small that you can't abide any suggestions outside the box without feeling threatened ?

Which sentence was an attack? I will delete it.

Which organization needs to be abolished because there is no reason for it to exist, ARA, IR- 50/50, RBA, ARG? You tell me.

David , I guess when i explained that more than a few people on this board had spent there own money and time to build benches , ranges and even organizations to shoot br that was negative?

I don't feel threatened by your thoughts outside the box, I was trying to help you understand how br got to where it is and why it is how it is and probably going to STAY the way it is.
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I really think the worst thing about hadicapping any sport is the fact that the winner really did not and the best man/woman may not win? Think about golf....if i have a 9 handicap and play a scratch golfer, i may win due to my handicap advantage but do i "really" win..............NO! If i compete i want to go head to head and if i win,i know that i truly won. Anyway.........just my opinion [and we all know what those are worth].
This is heard a lot. What it amounts to is the wannabe's want to be legislated into a position of competitiveness. Because they have chosen to not work their way up in any particular "game" they want to be elevated into the upper echelon by a rule. They would be quite content with any award/trophy to show the boys at the club. How would you handicap or apply an equalizer to a rimfire benchrest match?? What ever happened to working to improve what you do? OOps, that's awfully close to common sense and we don't go there these days.

Mike Swartz
This is heard a lot. What it amounts to is the wannabe's want to be legislated into a position of competitiveness. Because they have chosen to not work their way up in any particular "game" they want to be elevated into the upper echelon by a rule. They would be quite content with any award/trophy to show the boys at the club. How would you handicap or apply an equalizer to a rimfire benchrest match?? What ever happened to working to improve what you do? OOps, that's awfully close to common sense and we don't go there these days.

Mike Swartz

Kinda sounds like the promises of a certain presidental candidate don't it?:D

I actually believe something on the order of what you're saying will work but to a much lesser "magnitude" than like proponents believe. On the other hand, bits of evidence indicate that it will not work at all. IR50/50 developed two new classes in 2007 aimed at the factory rifle and semi-custom rifle. The result was 18 total targets, shot by 10 total competitors, for the entire year. Six of those competitors only shot one target each and five of the competitors were existing "avid" benchresters.

I remain undaunted by those statistics but at a complete loss for direction in organizing anything other than full blown, no holds barred, benchrest as it currently exists.

While we're here, would some ARA shooters estimate the percentage of factory rifles that compete compared to all the rifles that compete? I ask this because all factory rifles are within the ARA rules.

I would guess less than 10% are box stock factory guns.Most would be Anschutz 54s &64s, Coopers, and CMP 40Xs and 52s.
Handicap & Rifle Classes

We have done "handicap" at our club. The only time it worked well was in our winter indoor pistol league. We used the Winchester Handicap tables for a while, but changed to the 70% "Bowling" type of handicap. The only other system that worked for us was the NRA Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman classification system. But: We don't promote NRA matches any more. The two handicap systems we tried in benchrest died a quick death.

From my experience, handicap systems, are dreamed up and implemented by experienced shooters who are trying to get others to shoot with them: Not by beginners thinking of an easy way to win.

With the success we have had lately with Four Rifle Classes: One of them identical to the ARA class, and the other three with cost limitations, we have found a formula that works well for us.

Joe Haller
Chippewa County Shooting Association
Check out our website at:
It ain't finished, but we have a good YouTube Movie.