Matches in Michigan

Yes I did Francis. The white & gray
Shirts are in my Van. The colored shirts
Without the pockets are in a trailer
outside, bairied in snow.

If I can get the grandsons to do some
shoveling, I'll mail you that shirt soon.
Was that Large or Extra Large?
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Langenc is a Troll too.

He drives UP and shoots rimfire matches at our club several times a year. He shoots more YooperShoot Matches than he shoots MittenMatches.

Even drives up for our club's Chili feeds, Spahetti feeds and our Christmas Parties.

He's too is a MIchigan team player. Playing both sides of the Bridge.

It ain't far away, when it's I-75 all the way.
Thanks Joe. I live off of I-75 exit 36. Work at exit 18.
I got a chance to talk to Stan Bowerman. We shared a loading table at the Super Shoot.
He came down to Holton last year also.
It's a bit of a drive. I might make it some year. Sounds like fun.
10 more and I should be retired.......Then the fun starts.
Stan, Roger Avery and I went to our first SuperShoot together back in 1986.
I added a list of contacts at the top of the first post in this thread. If any of you know of other contacts, or know of mistakes I made, please post them below in this thread. I'll add them at the top.

How about maps showing the locations of the ranges. Anybody got map graphics. Should be in JPEG format.
That's our club's website.

All those event fliers are from last year. I got to get to work on some new ones.

I do the graphics, but another club member is the webmaster.
We don't have this year's Match Fliers UP on our web site yet.

But: Here is the one for our six "Outlaw" Rimfire Mathes for the 2011 Season.


We will also be running Long Range RF Metallic Silhouette Matches the day before our outlaw matches, from July to October.
Here is the covered firing line for our new 6 bench 200 yard range.
1/5th size rams are pretty small at 200 yards.
NRA sez shooting 200 with the .22 is like shooting 1000 with the 30-06.

Here is our 11 point uncovered range. We used this it for our September match last Fall, as the 16 point covered range was undergoing some major improvements.
Nice warm sunny day in the Upper Peninsula.

You can see the top of the 200 yard range over the edge of that berm.

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Well Francis:

It DID snow at our April Match last year.

AND: We are thinking of running a match in March this year if the Weatherman will let us.
I just learned today that the Dog Sled Race over at Munising had to be canceled this weekend. Not enough Snow.

If this kind of weather keeps up, us Yoopers ain't go'na be considered TOUGH anymore. (Or maybe we will loose our insanity) Some folks say we gota be crazy to live up here in da winter.

BUT: It's nice shoot'n weather in da Summer. Come on UP and shoot on our range. We put $28,000 in range improvements last year. We got 7 electric hookups for Campers right back of the firing lines, and some rustic campsites in our woods. We even got indoor toilets.
We are missing match dates for some Michigan clubs. Can any of you guys help?
Name of Club:
Contact Person:
Match Dates:
Course of Fire & Sanctioned or Outlaw.
Our Club . . . UP here . . .

. . . Finally has the schedule for all our events firmed up for the year.

Take a look at the Slide Show I just put UP on Photobucket:

Click this URL code line . . . Slide Show 2011/?albumview=slideshow

You can control the speed of the slide show and other tricks, by moving your mouse to the bottom of the screen. Mouse around a little more and you may see all 108 shooting related pictures I have UP on Photobucket.

Joe (Mr. Frosty)

You won't have any problem getting into the Holton range. You will be pleasantly surprised at the quality of the facilities there.

Hey Mr. Wright . . .

Have you heard anything from the Isabella Club about their Rimfire Dates?