Matches in Michigan


Joe Haller

Match organizers in Michigan are invited to add their match schedules this thread.
We need some Club Contacts to go with this schedule. I don't have them all. Can you help? Here is what I have so far, and some of them may not be correct.
Post additions-corrections on page 4. I'll add them here.
Hillsdale Rifle Club - Chuck McNett Sr. -
Holton Centerfire -
Holton Rimfire -
Iosco County - Centerfire - Francis Becigneul -
Iosco County - Rimrfire - Tom Majewsk -
Mecosta Rimfire - Mike Worthington -
Soo - RF & CF - Joe Haller -
Western Wayne - Centerfire - Dana Raven - (734) 412-4393
Michigan 2011 Centerfire BR Schedule of Matches
March 20 WWCCA Score 200 yards NBRSA Score

Aprr. 16-17 WWCCA Group 100/200 LV/HV Spring Tune Up
April 30-1 Holton Group 100/200 LV/HV Presidents Cup

May 8 Holton Score 100/200 Harry Hoppe Memorial (club match)
May 14 Harrison Group 100 yards

June 4 Harrison Score 100 yards.
June 11 Oscoda Iosco Co. Score 100 yards followed by Group 100
June 12 Holton Score 100/100 NBRSA Score
June 18 - Harrison Group 100 yards
June 18-19 WWCCA Group 100/200 Lv/Hv Wolverine Challange

July 2-3 Holton Group 100/200 MI State NBRSA Lv/Hv
July 9 Harrison Score 100 yards
July 10 Holton Score 100/100 (club match)
July 17 WWCCA Score 200 yards NBRSA Score
July 23 Harrison Group 100 yards
July 23 Oscoda Score 200 yards followed by Group 200
July 25-30 Holton Group 100/200 IBS Nationals Lv/Hv/SP/HB

Aug. 6 Harrison Score 100 yards
Aug. 13 Iosco County Score followed by Group 300 yards
Aug. 14 Holton Score 100-200 IBS State Championship
Aug. 20 Harrison Group 100 yard

Sept. 3-5 Holton Group 100/200 Eastern Regional Lv/Hv/UNL
Sept. 3 Oscoda Score 100 yards followed by Group 100
Sept. 3 Soo Score & Group 200 yards
Sept. 4 Soo Score & Group 100 yards
Sept 10 Harrison Score 100 yards
Sept 11 Holton Score 100/200 NBRSA Michigan State Chamionship
Sept 18 WWCCA Score 200 yards NBRSA Score

Oct. 9 Holton Score 100/100 IBS Score
Oct. 15-16 WWCCA Group 100/100 Lv/Hv Fall Challenge

Michigan 2011 Rimfire BR Schedule of Matches - Updated Jan. 31
Apr. 16 Mecosta Rod & Gun Club - ARA
Apr. 17 Soo BR Rimfire 25 & 50 yds USBR Target

May 14 Holton Gun & Bow - ARA
May 14 Soo BR Rimfire 25 & 50 yds USBR Target
May 28 Mecosta Rod & Gun Club - ARA

June 11 Holton Gun & Bow - ARA
June 12 Soo BR Rimfire 25 & 50 yds USBR Target
June 18 Mecosta Rod & Gun Club - ARA

July 9 Holton Gun & Bow - ARA
July 9 Soo BR Rimfire Metallic Silhouette 60 to 200 yds NRA 1/5 size animals
July 10 Soo - BR Rimfire 25 & 50 yds USBR Target
July 16 Mecosta Rod & Gun Club - ARA

Aug. 13 Holton Gun & Bow - ARA
Aug 13 Soo BR Rimfire Metallic Silhouette 60 to 200 yds NRA 1/5 size animals
Aug 14 Soo BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds USBR Target Mavis Haller Memorial
Aug. 20 Mecosta Rod & Gun Club - ARA

Sept 10 Holton Gun & Bow - ARA
Sept 10 Soo BR Rimfire - Metallic Silhouette 60 to 200 yds NRA 1/5 size animals
Sept 11 Soo BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds USBR Target
Sept 17 Mecosta Rod & Gun Club - ARA

Oct. 1 Soo BR Rimfire - Metallic Silhouette 60 to 200 yds NRA 1/5 size animals
Oct. 2 Soo BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds USBR Target
Oct. 8 Holton Gun & Bow Club Tournament - ARA
NOW: How about those dates for Hillsdale, Isabella Co. & Mount Pleasant?

There must be other clubs here in Michigan that are running BR matches: Maybe not Sanctioned Matches, but BR matches never the less. I think they belong on this schedule.
Anyone here know of a club that runs or is planning to run matches this year?
Is our club at Sault Ste. Marie the only one in the UP?

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In 2011 there will be both rimfire and centerfire matches at the Isabella County Sportsmans Club which is near Mt. Pleasant. How's that for a central location? Steve Robbins and Harry Ross are putting together a schedule. We will get it published and on here as soon as they decide on dates.

One thing for sure at ICSC, there will be a factory class open for shooters who do not have a benchrest rifle in both rimfire and centerfire. Some of us have 17 HMR sporters that shoot well and will be shooting them in the rimfire factory class. We'll find out how they will compete with a real rimfire bench gun.

More as soon as we get it.

Dick Wright
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That is wonderful news about ICSC; I look forward to the mid-Michigan shoots, especially Harrison. I may just have to dig out the old 22 so I can come and play.


We'll try to keep everyone informed. Steve and Harry and I will be getting together right after the holidays and try to figure out just what, when and how we are going to do it.

ICSC did hold rimfire matches a few years back and some of the members are interested.

Happy Holidays!

Hello Mark:

I'm the Benchrest contact UP here.

Sault Sainte Marie - Chippewa County:
We are 220 miles north of Standish.

Got a good thing going with rimfire benchrest, Our Centerfire BR has been in hibernation since the 1990s. We tried to bring it back this year, but attendance was disappointing. We plan to try again next season. We need equipment rules that will attract these Yooper deer hunters.

Our range is 4 miles south of town. 1/4 mile north of 7 Mile Road on Ridge Road.

We have 16 benches under cover out to 100 yard. A separate 6 bench range under cover at 200 yards, and an 8 bench range out to 100 yards that is not under cover.

Also have a 25 yard "Cowboy Town with lots of reactive steel targets, three Trap Fields, a Skeet field and a 28 target 3D Archery range. Electric hookups for 7 trailer/campers and several rustic campsites in the woods. Even though we are Yoopers UP here: We have real flush toilets in both of our clubhouses.

Joe Haller

Our Club Logo

You came to MICHIGAN: Right?

Welcome to your new home State.

Really gona look forward to shooting with you this year.

Mr. Frosty :)
Holton centerfire benchrest schedule

I apologize for this taking so long..........anyway, here is what is in store at the Beautiful Holton Gun and Bow Club.

Group Matches:
4-30/5-1 - Presidents Cup, NBRSA LV/HV 100-200
7-2/7-3 - MI State Championships, NBRSA LV/HV 100-200
7-25 thru 7-30 - IBS 100-200 Group Nationals (please see IBS website for schedule)
9-3 thru 9-5 - NBRSA Eastern Regionals, LV/HV/UNL 100-200

Score Matches
5-8 - Harry Hoppe Memorial, 100-200 (club match)
6-12 - 100/100 VFS NBRSA
7-10 - 100/100 VFS (club match)
8-14 - IBS Michigan State Championship, 100-200
9-11 - NBRSA Michigan State Championship, 100-200
10-9 - 100/100 VFS IBS

It will be busy at Holton this year. We hope to see as many of you shooters as possible.

I will ask Wilbur to put up a sticky containing match info for the IBS Group Nationals. This will contain all kinds of info as far as hotels, camping, restaurants etc....

Matt Guthrie
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I got a reply today from Joe (Kupra, Kroop) Krupa. He updated me with the Eastern Region Schedule as it stands today. I updated the schedule I have and will post an attachment below to show what I have for the "centerfire BR matches held between March and October in Michigan for 2011 as of today".

Matt, I put Holton Eastern Regionals for Sept. 3-6. I just can't believe it ends on Teusday, with no shooting on Saturday, but you and Joe both have it that way.


  • 2011 Benchrest Matches Michigan.doc
    28 KB · Views: 378
I have updated the master list at the top of this forum based on the dated given by Matt & pbike.

Please check for mistakes & corrections. If someone wants to change a date to avoid a conflict, do that too.

Joe, from UP here.
Paul and Joe H.,

Sorry about the dates mix-up for the Eastern Regional 100-200-yard Group Championship. It is being held on Saturday September 3rd to Monday September 5th at Holton.


Joe K.
Date Correction

OK Joe K . . .

I just made the Schedule Change to Sept 3-5 for the Eastern Regional 100-200 yard Group Championship.

Joe H . . .
How about some matches closer to the Southern part of Michigan? I'm in Lansing, and don't mind traveling, but I don't think I can make the trip to the Soo anytime soon.
How about some matches closer to the Southern part of Michigan? I'm in Lansing, and don't mind traveling, but I don't think I can make the trip to the Soo anytime soon.

WWCCA is in Plymouth, not far from your neighboring college in A.A., Holton is not to be confused with Houghton in the UP. Holton is North East of Muskegon on M-120. Both of those clubs have registered Group or Score matches, and are within an hour and a half for you.
How about some matches closer to the Southern part of Michigan? I'm in Lansing, and don't mind traveling, but I don't think I can make the trip to the Soo anytime soon.

Also, if you are looking for ARA (rimfire) Ask on the Rimfire board about the schedule at Hillsdale. I believe they are still shooting ARA

Matt Guthrie
ARA in Michigan

ARA matches are held at Holton,Mecosta County(30mi. East of Mt. Pleasant) and Hillsdale. Holton on the 2nd SAt. in May @9:00AM. Mecosta Co. Rod and Gun on the 3d Sat. in April @9:00 AM and Hillsdale 1st Sun. in April @10:00 AM. In the next couple of weeks they should have all the schedules
posted on the ARA web site.

Mike Worhtington
""ARA matches are held at Holton,Mecosta County(30mi. East of Mt. Pleasant) "" quoted from above

Im looking for some MI matches also. But I bet Mecosta Co is NOT EAST of Mt Pleasant. I will check my map and friend TomTom!

Where exactly is Holton??

Mecosta Co. Rod and Gun is WEST not EAST of Mt Pleasnt. Sorry:(
