Match of Champions



I would like to thank Mackey first for letting us have this match, And I would like to thank the fine people that made donations to us for door prizes Shilen Rifle Barrels,Broughton Barrels,Benchmark Barrels,Allen Hall,Gene Davis,James Pappas,Dan Killough and Pro-shot.We had several that cancelled out the day before but we had 16 of the best shooters in the country heck the world Dj and Craig proved that.But thanks for the Shooters that came from far away to shoot with us Hoke Kerns,Allen Hall,DJ Hepler,Craig Young,Danny Hepler,Mike Sherril,Mark Meadows just to name the ones that traveled a good ways you all are tops in my book and thanks again for driving so far. Jerry Graves

About forgot THANK YOU PHIL BLOWER for coming down to do the scoring for us I owe you a steak for doing that job for us!!
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was this an invitational?

When was the match and what are the results?
This was an invitational with champions from the past at the Nationals, A line, Agg line, SOTY, Etc. It was a money match with added prizes from sponcers. Jerry is being humble about not posting results as I believe he won it.
Copied from another forum:

Just a quick note.
Jerry Graves won and with such great scores.His Davis smithed 40X and Eley Orange Box,really shooting 4 ARA Targets all scores in the 2300-2400 range,
Walnut Hill range,just perfect conditions,with just a whif of wind.
The Megis County Corn was a great hit....and very good.
Scores ARA Scored Target **
Match # 1 Ray Hess OH,............2400
Match # 2 Jerry Graves OH....... 2350
Match # 3 Jerry Graes OH....... 2400
Match # 4 Mike Sherril IN ,.......2350 *
Agg Winner Jerry Graves..........
Ray Hess and Jerry Graves,shooting Davis 40X/Benchmark 2 groove barrels. Mike Sherrl a Calfee/Turbo

* Tempature droped into the 60's
** Targets scored by Phil Blower
Match results

Way to go Jerry !!!!!! You really had that rifle humming :) Sounds like it was a great match........Slim
Any west coast shooters invited?

Did anyone from the west coast qualify to shoot in this match? Seems there are some champions out there? Is ARA getting elitist?
When Jerry was setting it up, I think he asked for Joe's contact info so I assume he did.
Nice work Graves...!

No Kirk Gaston....?????????????? Would have been neat to see him in the mix. Joe as well.

Fred, Jerry did ask to contact him. I didn't and should have out of respect either way and for that I apologize to Jerry. Congrats Jerry with the win and happy to see you had a good turnout and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Take Care,
Fellows Im sorry if anyone has hurt feelings from not being invited.I ask for everyones info early on.Kirk was invited and had a spot open for him he couldnt get a gun shooting good enough to show maybe next year.We had great conditions with just a steady breeze for the first 2 targets and it was scary calm and cool for the last target.Hoke is writing a artical for P.S. magazine.Again Im sorry if anyone wanted to come after the fact but next year reply when asked for info.I came in 1st.2nd was Mike Sherril 3rd Bob Barnhart 4thRay Hess
Target-1 Target-2 Target-3
Ray HESS 2400 Jerry Graves 2350 Jerry Graves 2400
Mike Sherrill 2400
Mike Sherrill 2350
For the guns and final scores your going to have to buy precision shooting when it comes out. Jerry
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Thanks for the info, just didn't know if Kirk or Joe was involved.

Anyhow, good shooting.

Children, children take it out to the playground and settle it;) Jerry
Thanks jerry for a great match and congrads on your win and great big agg.It looks like I owe Ray some cash for 3rd place,let me know I can give it to him saturday at the lancaster tourn.Bye the way,you might as well come up and shoot,Ive got a killer davis 40x Ill let you shoot since that was your last match with 1BADX. It would be interesting to know just how many matches you won with that gun,let us know if you can remember,Bob:D:D
Bob you was 3rd I wrote it wrong sorry Jerry.
Gene I told you! you could use it anytime.Dont hate me because im beautiful:eek:

Rednecks count diffrent.. Good shooting buddy! They should be glad that there was not a watermelon at stake.. Harry :):):)