Match at Rockingham County Gun Club - May 3-4

Roy in NC

RCGC will be hosting our first NBRSA group match of the season on May 3-4th. We will shoot a 4-gun @ 100yds with 5 shot Unlimited match. A cash option will be offered once again. Lunch will be available from the local 4-H Club shooting team.

Plan now to come out and shoot with us!
I'll confess I'm not up one internet slang. For example, until alinwa straightened me out, I thought "LOL" was "lots of love." So, does "bttt" mean "bump to the top"?
They said Jim C. did well at Unaka with some ole rifle he pulled out of the safe. I bet Roger has something he's had stored away for a while. Y'all better look out!


You expecting any presidential candidates to show up since NC votes May 6th? Good publicity. The one that wins any yardage gets my vote in the general.

I'm coming. Steve Shelp says he's coming -- or going to try to. We'll know Friday. If so, squad us together; we'll share my flags.

Hey Charles,hope to see you there,i have your .410 press,i finally broke down and purchased a new one.
see ya Friday or Saturday.
Uh, Roger, you going to shoot your .410 in Unlimited? Remember, this is a group match -- I think if you use the .410 with slugs, it would do better at a score match.

While we're at it, anybody got an extra joystick for a Farley? I seem to have lost mine.
Uh, Roger, you going to shoot your .410 in Unlimited? Remember, this is a group match -- I think if you use the .410 with slugs, it would do better at a score match.

While we're at it, anybody got an extra joystick for a Farley? I seem to have lost mine.

I really was gonna shoot my new krieghoff,maybe in 28 with slugs
I'm all packed up and taking tomorrow off from work to hopefully get some type of tune in this rifle that I've basically never fired. ;^ )

I'm told it's a 10.5# gun... but I don't even know that for sure!!! Hopefully have some fun shooting again.
It's been several years sinse I've been to the Rock. The last time was this same 4 gun match the year the wind blew so hard, rain, cold that Mike Walker packed up on Saturday and left. Charles Ellertson also packup because of the cold affecting his health. I was comfortable with a T-shirt and a quilted flannel shirt. :D

Hopefully we have decent weather this year. But no trigger pulling contest though... I felt at home putting the crosshairs all over the target a couple years ago. I'm use to it from shooting long range BR for so long!! I need every advantage I can get. But if it's a trigger pulling contest, you point blank guys will probably wear my $#% out.


If there wasn't a match in the back yard, Julia and I would be coming down to try and take some of your money...:cool:

Julia's Husband