Mass. IR 50/50 3-Gun State Championship - Saturday, July 27

Dave: Thanx for your sugestion. Ill wait untill you draw your bench, Then.....Ill park out there, That will elimanate any chance of being hit by any bullets. Ed.

Say Dave, how about bringing your BB gun instead of the .22? That might even the playing field between us "Flat-Landers" and those "Yorkers".

Keep Smiling, Al :)

I'll bring along my puffgun only if Bill promises to share it with me to, as you said, level the playing field. Or, maybe you and I could share it as our Sporters just so those Yawkers don't feel too overwhelmed. As if that's gonna happen. :confused::confused::cool:

Are we going back to the childish "name calling" I for one have had just about enough. We have some regional names for you guys, but, why should we dive to your level. Dave.....bring yer bb gun, That should be fun to watch.
Agreed Melvin. I plan on backing up my mouth on Saturday, I have no problem with that. Ed.
Boys, Boys, here I thought this was all in fun, shows how wrong I can be. :-(


Al, for the most part and for most of us, it has been all in fun. I can tell you though that some here from the Empire State are taking offense (obviously) to the Yorker/Yawker thing. Personally, I just always thought of everyone else as "fellow shooters". I didn't care if they were from New England, the South, Jersey or out West. Once you decided to make it into a State vs State thing, well, we figured we would pick up the gauntlet and come fully represented. I can assure you that everyone will be well behaved on Sat and we'll all have fun. No hard feelings here.
Sent you an e-mail as well but I'm bring Raide as well. The comedy value alone should be impressive.
Bob Raide!!!!

Awesome!!! Your bringing Bob!!!! Yeah, the comedy level will raise, thats for sure. But so will the compitition, we're screwed.
Boys, Boys, here I thought this was all in fun, shows how wrong I can be. :-(


My apologies to anyone I may have ofended with my replies to what should be some exchange of wit, maybe a "zinger" or two delivered with what I thought to be in good taste, with at least a little class. I guess I just let the name calling get to me. We really dont need to go there, rite? And when I said " I plan on backing my word" I mean ( on the IR 50/50 card) So .. untie yer panties and get some practice, we'll all need it now, The field of competitor's is getting tougher by the day. Tim: We have made room for you and Bob on bus # 4 ( The USRA. Hall of Fame Bus ) The one with the trailer, It's for Bob's trophies. There is a window spot with a booster seat & some loud "rap" music to keep him awake! Seeya Saturday. Ed.
My apologies to anyone I may have ofended with my replies to what should be some exchange of wit, maybe a "zinger" or two delivered with what I thought to be in good taste, with at least a little class. I guess I just let the name calling get to me. We really dont need to go there, rite? And when I said " I plan on backing my word" I mean ( on the IR 50/50 card) So .. untie yer panties and get some practice, we'll all need it now.

I agree totally with what Ed said above. Ya gotta understand though that sometimes, out of jest, I may spell a word or two the way I talk, meaning "R's" often times don't exist and are replaced by either an "ah" or "aw". But, I guess that seems to be offensive to some, and I'm truly sorry for that.

For those of you who don't know Al and I, you need to understand that especially over the past 18 years folks from New York have either been referred to as Yorkers for Al, or Yawkers for me, shooters from Maine are Maineacs, and everyone else falls into either being a Flatlander, Southerner, Left-Coaster or Hillbilly, all of which are said both when making a post, or talking face-to-face. I guess you could say that what we say is a term of endearment with no harm being intended. I know when Alan Hall refers to me as "Yankee" I take no offense, even though around here, in Red Sox Nation, that term refers to the "Evil Empire's" baseball team, but I understand he is more using it as general terminology than the other.

So, please get over yourself and let's just get together on "the Line" to have some fun on Saturday while also enjoying good food, friendship and camaraderie, plus the strong bond of having this common interest. And believe me, I will be the first to congratulate your accomplishments as they will more than likely be a whole lot better than mine. But, we'll see and time will tell, and all that.

Keep smiling,

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On a sweeter note

Will Maryellen be baking her SUPER GOOD Treats?
For those "Folks" That have never shot at Easthampton. She makes the best second to none.
Maryellen's contribution to this match's lunch is homemade brownies, and 2 Pepperoni Breads (Italians know what I mean), one with peppers and one without.
These go along with cold cuts, lettuce, tomato, chips, Clausen pickels, assorted soft drinks and plenty of water.

I also always stock some plastic sandwich bags just in case there are any brownies left over and some nourishment is needed for the ride home.

I'm also trying to get Maryellen to drop by the range. She would really like to meet all these wonderful folks I keep talking about. All depends on her schedule for the weekend.

Looking forward to Saturday.

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Gordon, you shoot. Me and Bob will take care of the brownies.

Maryellen's already got 2 batches ready to go, but if you'd like to bring more, I'm sure there won't be any complaints.
