Mark Normandin shoots 750 47X at Holbrook with his RAW TM-1000


New member
Winter is here!!
Thanks to all that traveled in the snow from Maine, NH and New York. Peter Wass with the long distance award 600 miles round trip, with Todd and Rick 450 + miles.

Hope everyone made it safely home.

LV Class
Dan Brown AA EV-2 243 5X (8.4JSB) 250 13X, 250 18X 7.9 gr 743 36X First
Peter Wass AA EV-2 247 16X, 246 9X, 241 7X, 734 32X Second

HV Class
Mark Normandin RAW TM-1000 250 16X, 250 15X, 250 16X 750 47X First
Todd Banks DAWSON 248 14X, 249 15X, 248 15X, 745 44X Second
Rick Ingram DAWSON 246 12X, 244 13X, 249 17X 739 42X Third
Bill Day HW-100 237 8X, 234 5X, 471 13X (ran out of air, No fill probe)

Open Class
Rick Ingram Chip Smith SUMO 248 11X, 249 18X, 250 16X, 747 45X First
Al Joly FX Royal 250 10X, 248 15X, 248 15X, 746 40X second
Mark Normandin RAW BM-500 248 10X, 248 15X, 244 8X, 740 33X third
Brad Niese M-Rod (regulator) 234 4X, 232 6X, 243 9X, 709 19X

Production Class
Franky Monroe M-Rod 230 4X, 226 3X, 227 2X, 683 9X First

Sporter Class
Tim Vandawalker Air Force 225 4X, 221 3X, 232 4X (shroud off) 678 11X First

Thanks for all the help in setup and takedown. I didn't shoot as my right hand has not recovered from a dog bite a week ago.

Hope everyone can make the Jan 5, 2013 shoot as the first two targets will be used for the UK Indoor Postal match.

Have a Happy Healthy New Years and a Merry Christmas! Hope Santa treats you well.

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Thanks once again for a great match. It's well worth the trip every month! Congratulations to Mark, that was some awesome shooting, and also to Dan, Al and Rick for their 250's! See you all next month,
Well done guys!

Sorry I had to miss it, but I had taken another fall last week which blew out my "good" shoulder as a result so I'm now hoping to be recovered enough for the January shoot.

That was awesome my friend. Congratulations! How long do you figure your wife will want to listen to you brag about?

I hope your recovery doesn't take too long, And see you after the 1st of the year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Thanks Paul I had a good day . Just what I needed . Good shooting by all . Congratulations to Mark . Loots of time and hard work has payed off for you . See you all down the road .

Good shooting Mark! Man a 750 is awesome! And congrats to the 250 shooters Dan, Al, and Rick! Looking forward to next month! Paul thanks again for hosting the indoor winter shoots. I can't tell you how much I look forward to them each month! See you then.
Was Marks score with the BM500 or the TM1000. What cal. and pellet, velocity?

Was Marks score with the BM500 or the TM1000. What cal. and pellet, velocity?


The 750 he shot with his old TM-1000 19fpe. Looking at the report, I missed his Open scores with his new BM-500 248 10X, 248 15X, 244 8X 740 33X. My mistake Sorry Mark.

It was the first day Mark had shot it and was trying different pellets each card etc.
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Thanks again for all your efforts to put a Match on every Month, everyone greatly appreciates it and you were wounded no less. Good to see all who showed up some from afar! Rick after you, Todd, DanB, Brad and others do a tiny bit of tweeking I believe a 750-47X will be an also ran! This is getting very interesting.

The TM1000 is starting to come in to it's own. To answer BOBZ, it was shooting .177, 8.4 JSB's apr 880fps. with the stock barrel and a few minor mods as you can see from the pics. The gun is much more accurate with CPH's but they are too inconsistent and I lose 2-6 points a card.

The BM500 had a barrel fit to it Thursday night and shot for function only by DANB Friday morning in 24 deg weather. My first shots with it were on the sighters on card one and I tested 6 different pellet weight/combo's on the three cards ( Hey ,new toy, you'd have shot it too ). I believe the guns potential is far and above what the results show ( several small adjustments yesterday netted 5 shot groups as small or smaller than anything I've ever shot ) and at this time I'm still waiting for the BM barrel that Martin/RAW has spec/ordered. Several of the BIG Dogs tried it out and I believe the overall consensus is very positive. The fit and function on the rest and:cool: bags is SWEEEET!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in the New Year!

'A Very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season to All'

Mark N

Thanks for the info. All of our TM's are shooting Crossman heavy at 900 to 920 fps. Never though to try the 8.4s in the wind. Some of the guns shoot the JSB heavys well. We had a bad lot of about 3 cases of some really bad CP heavy but all was made right and the replacements do not have the bad fliers. I will tune down and try the 8.4s in the wind. I have sold a BM500 to one of the Houston group and he is waiting for the BM barrel. Ron is a bench rest guy both Centerfire and Rimfire. I brought him to the bright side of Airguns Watching him going throug the process of finding ammo that would shoot well in his 22 rim fire. He is a convert. Would not trade my 80 degree December shoots for your weather but I do wish we had an indoor range for testing. When we get down below 55 degrees we may look harder for an indoor range.

I have the BM barrel that Martin fired the test groups with on a TM1000 action shooting JSb 14.35 at 768 fps. One bragging group slightly lager than a pellet at 25 meters outdoors. My experience shows that it shoots best when just cleaned. I guess it would be a BM1000 now that the Benchmark barrel is a stock item.

Take a look at the Buncha Lotta TM.s in another post.

Bob Zimmerman
Competition Airguns