Marine Tex Bedding

I have never used Marine Tex for bedding, Have heard that it does a really good job of it.
What do you think of it, if you have used it? If not what is your choice of a bedding compound?

Thanks for your reply's
I have it and use it on occasion. My go-to is devcon steel.
Good enough for McMillan Fiberglass stocks to use for bedding rifles. Have a match conditioned M1 rifle bedded with it too - hasn't needed bedding work in 10 years. Is this info you were seeking? Hope this helps.
Thanks for all the fast reply's. I have been using Bisonite Aluminum bedding, wanting to try something new. guess it is going to be Marine Tex,

Is the 2oz package of Marine Tex enough to bed a 40x single shot action, none under barrel?

It's entirely dependent on how much and how aggressively you inlet the stock prior to bedding. Bedding is like wiring, it's way better to have way too much than to have a tiny bit too little. I don't calculate, I waste. Mix up enough that you *know* you'll have excess and throw the excess away. The first time you pour short you'll come around to my thinking... All that said, I've bedded enough rifles to say I've done it a few times, but not much more. If someone with significant experience (i.e. not me) pipes up, I'd be inclined to listen.
