March Scope Question

Camera lenses and most likely rifle scopes are not so much limited in their resolution by a theoretical limit as they are by the quality of their builds, which would include lens quality, optical design, accuracy of assembly, and other factors like baffling and coatings.

At last found some one that agrees with what I have been saying for decades no matter who the scope producer is and their assembly tolerances.

Have done some testing for Deon have had 5 80's two sent for tweaks and 2 10-60's with one having five tweaks. All come back entirely different some even losing the wow factor. I would say a lot is down to the assembly of the individual scope using the very same parts as before. I have seen this of two other manufacturers same scope sent back for a tweak/alteration and scope don't perform as well or severe drop in resolution.
Just got the e-mail today that my march ep-zoom shipped. So its safe to say got their first shipment in and cleared customs. Now waiting on my gun. ?
Have done some testing for Deon have had 5 80's two sent for tweaks and 2 10-60's with one having five tweaks. All come back entirely different some even losing the wow factor. I would say a lot is down to the assembly of the individual scope using the very same parts as before. I have seen this of two other manufacturers same scope sent back for a tweak/alteration and scope don't perform as well or severe drop in resolution.

Just curious. Depending on definition,would tweaks and alterations be outside the scope of manufacturer's warranties? I guess I'm confused about what changes(Tweaks and Alterations) are being made to the scope. I was thinking about changing the cross hair in one of my scopes.

Deon tester?

Have done some testing for Deon have had 5 80's two sent for tweaks and 2 10-60's with one having five tweaks. All come back entirely different some even losing the wow factor. I would say a lot is down to the assembly of the individual scope using the very same parts as before. I have seen this of two other manufacturers same scope sent back for a tweak/alteration and scope don't perform as well or severe drop in resolution.

You worked for Deon testing scopes? I'm curious - what sort of testing did they have you do?
March vs Nightforce

Will share my experience with you all...not scientific, just what happened to me...I mounted a new Nightforce 15-55x (2014 model) on a rifle and a new March 8-80x (2014 model) on another rifle...while sitting at the shooting bench here in West Texas, temperature about 80 degrees, slight quartering wind and mirage... at 100 yards..the Nightforce showed noticeably more mirage that the March scope, both set at 45x.... if I were using mirage to shoot,.. the Nightforce did show lots more distortion from mirage, but for a clear target, I would prefer the March..

Eddie in Texas
Just curious. Depending on definition,would tweaks and alterations be outside the scope of manufacturer's warranties? I guess I'm confused about what changes(Tweaks and Alterations) are being made to the scope. I was thinking about changing the cross hair in one of my scopes.Glenn

Normally yes if done by an outside source warranty will be void.
Deon will gladly change specs within reason or change rets and charge, they will even alter the box it came in with replacement type of ret fitted. Basic rets such as 1/8", 1/16" etc and the ones such as MTR's not interchangeable.

Have no ties with Deon just a happy customer and authorised supplier. Cannot divulge the loose term tweaks some were one offs and prototypes that have now became production items.
Normally yes if done by an outside source warranty will be void.
Deon will gladly change specs within reason or change rets and charge, they will even alter the box it came in with replacement type of ret fitted. Basic rets such as 1/8", 1/16" etc and the ones such as MTR's not interchangeable.

Have no ties with Deon just a happy customer and authorised supplier. Cannot divulge the loose term tweaks some were one offs and prototypes that have now became production items.

Well, Thanks for the reply. The Deon Web Site doesn't mention anything about these special services or prices for them. Just goes to show,you never know what's going on behind the scenes,unless you ask.
I'm a Happy Customer Also.

Have no ties with Deon just a happy customer and authorised supplier. Cannot divulge the loose term tweaks some were one offs and prototypes that have now became production items.

Interesting because I thought Kelbly's had the exclusive on March here in the states. That is until took over a couple of months ago.

From the spelling of "authorised"...might not be in the states.....