March Scope New Website

James A. Kelbly

New member
Just finished the new March scope website and it shows all the models and reticles that are now available. I would like to thank the individual who designed it, they did an awesome job. Below is the web address and this website will also be on the Kelbly's Inc web site later today or tomorrow. Check it out for the new 1x-10x and 2.5x -25x hunting and tactical scopes along with the new 36-55 zoom benchrest scopes.


Maybe it's just me and my old dial up modem, but I gave up on the site after 10 minutes of --please wait, loading................
I have been looking forward to this - nice work Jim! :)

A lot of information - the only thing I couldn't find was a price list. Maybe that's a good thing... shooters like myself, who have to ask about the price, may not be dedicated enough ;)

But one day... :D
We are some "Swede" waiting for the new BR 36-55 - 52BR scoop ;).
My new BAT/Krieger want some on the top.

Anyone know when the first delivery expected?
Maybe it's just me and my old dial up modem, but I gave up on the site after 10 minutes of --please wait, loading................

Web sites with Flash inputs tend to be that way. Many times the Flash part really is not necessary, such as for the "buttons" on the web site. Unfortunately, many people who create web sites seem to have forgotten that there are a lot of people who not only do not have a broadband connection, but a fast one.

Yes a 6x would be nice or may be a 6-36x52 scope would be great,the best of both worlds.
It would need

Yes a 6x would be nice or may be a 6-36x52 scope would be great,the best of both worlds.

to be lite enough to work into a 10 Lb rifle to be of any value to we HBR shooters. I am quite certain there are some of us who would buy them if they weighed around 14 oz and fit the paramaters necessary to to work with a competative HBR rifle. I am also quite certain that there would be residual sales to other folks who could use such a design. The one factor all of us NEED is RELIABILITY and the ansilary item we need is fine adjustability. Tactical scopes do not fill that notch.