Manufacture of most winning of .22 cal. benchrest rifles?



Which manufacture has the best record of winning .22 benchrest contests?

I tried a lot of searching and could not find much.

These come to mind:

Anyone have any info / links?

Gordon is a smith, not a manufacturer.

To the OP: Do you mean complete rifle or action? The vast majority of BR rifles today are built on actions by smiths, not the factory.

If you mean action then top of the list is the Turbo, but that is no longer made. Other currently available actions come from 10X or SPF and a few others.

As to complete rifles I'd venture a guess that Anschutz is close to the top, although in my years of shooting competitive BR (IR50/ARA/PSL/RBA) I doubt I have seen more than maybe 2 factory rifles on the line; an Anschutz and a Grundig I think it was. Hope this answers your question. bob
Diorio makes a Turbo clone. He has focused on the 3P crowd. It is not what I consider much of a player in BR. I owned one of the very first DiOrio turbo's. Not the same as the current offering in my opinion, nor (is) was it the same as the original Flash Ebert Turbo.

For those interested I suggest you refer to the ARA Nationals equipment list and the PSL equipment list. You can garner much from looking at them. Both are readily available on the ARA and PSL web pages.

For instance there are a great many 40x actions listed, but to the OP's question I don't think Remington EVER made a cateloged 40x Bench rifle. bob
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Diorio makes a Turbo clone. He has focused on the 3P crowd. It is not what I consider much of a player in BR. I owned one of the very first DiOrio turbo's. Not the same as the current offering in my opinion, nor (is) was it the same as the original Flash Ebert Turbo.

For those interested I suggest you refer to the ARA Nationals equipment list and the PSL equipment list. You can garner much from looking at them. Both are readily available on the ARA and PSL web pages.

For instance there are a great many 40x actions listed, but to the OP's question I don't think Remington EVER made a cateloged 40x Bench rifle. bob

Yes Bob they did, as a matter of fact they still do. How good it is, that's a different story but they do/did.
Yes Bob they did, as a matter of fact they still do. How good it is, that's a different story but they do/did.

We had 2 shooters at Pinnacle Mountain who bought new Rimfire BR 40X's through Rems. Custom Shop. One was not great, but good, the other, not so much. That's not saying it couldn't be fixed as after a new trigger and barrel with tuner were fitted it came way up.

At that same time I was buying a used 40X with its factory barrel and trigger, but in a 2 1/2" BR stock and could shoot every bit as good as either of their higher priced X's. Of course, where I had a whole lot less money invested it didn't take long before it was wearing a Jewell Trigger, 1:17 Lilja tight bore and a Don Stith 3" stock and was blowing the others away for, as I said: a whole lot less money.

Always wished I hadn't sold that 40X. It was comfortable to shoot and a real competitor.

Of those you have listed

Which manufacture has the best record of winning .22 benchrest contests?

I tried a lot of searching and could not find much.

These come to mind:

Anyone have any info / links?


Clearly, from what I have seen, Coopers are the most winning. We run IR 50/50 benchrest matches in Maine and there are three or 4 Coopers there that have won a lot of matches. One of the regular shooters there shot his way into the Hall of Fame with his.

According to this coach, your equipment is the least of your worries Now it is important to pick a decent rifle and ammo combination but then how you use the equipment is a whole new ball game.

I like this coach's ideas.

If I said 'I can give you the world's hottest car' Can you win Daytona?'

So buy the best that you can afford. Practice a lot, then practice more. Learn to read the flags (I hope that you have flags), then practice some more. Test your .22 with reputable ammunition and note the batch #'s. If you find a batch that your rifle likes then buy the carton (note that this batch may turn to a crap shoot if the climatic conditions vary much from when you tested it).

Attitude is good - Just have fun. It sure beats a day at the office!

* doghunter *
From the comments, I am glad I bought a used Cooper to learn on while waiting for my new RF BR build. My recent experience with the Remington Custom Shop, since it was moved to Dakota Arms, has been create. My CS 40X in 6mmBR Norma came with a jewel trigger and a Krieger barrel and shoots great. .26" 100 yard 5 shot group first time out with factory ammo.

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