Manatee Gun Club IR5050 match results

DJB in Wi

New member
Today it was sunny and the temp got up to 88, with a 4-15 MPH wind. The winds came out of several directions, with fast switches, which really kept everyone on their toes. John Austen came up from Miami, Fl and had his rifle shooting well. Considering the tricky winds, John shot very well. Congrats John. Nice to be able to shoot with you again. Joe Turturro also managed to nail a 250. Great shooting Joe. Bill was having trouble with numbness in his fingers, and accidentally pulled the trigger a few times when he shouldn't have. He stuck it out, and finished shooting all 6 cards with us. Get that trigger finger fixed Bill. Thank you all for coming.
Due to all the snowbirds heading back up north, the Manatee Gun Club will not have anymore IR5050 matches till Nov. Doug


Bill Smith...........248-16X
John Austen........248-9X
Doug Bell............247-13X
Bob Piossa...........245-7X
Joe turturro.........243-7X


Doug Bell.............249-15X
John Austen..........248-18X
Neil Ewing.............247-15X
Joe Turturro...........243-8X
Bill Smith...............238-10X
Bob Piossa...............237-4X


John Austen............250-15X
Doug Bell................249-19X
Joe Turturro.............248-10X
Neil Ewing................247-15X
Bill Smith.................242-16X
Bob Piossa.................240-7X

# Gun

John Austen................746-42X
Doug Bell....................745-47X
Joe Turturro.................734-25X

Unlimited #1

John Austen..................250-15X
Joe Turturro..................249-17X
Doug Bell......................249-13X
Neil Ewing.....................243-10X
Bob Piossa.....................237-6X
Bill Smith......................234-14X

Un #2

Joe Turturro...................250-18X
Doug Bell.......................250-15X
John Austen....................248-12X
Neil Ewing.......................243-11X
Bob Piossa.......................241-6X
Bill Smith........................234-14X

Un #3

Doug Bell.........................249-18X
John Austen.....................249-11X
Joe Turturro.....................245-14X
Neil Ewing........................243-12X
Bill Smith.........................243-11X
Bob Piossa.........................234-6X

Unlimited Agg

Doug Bell..........................748-46X
John Austen......................747-38X
Joe Turturro......................744-49X
Manatee Match

Thanks for a very enjoyable match, even though my hands and fingers were not cooperating very well? I could account for the first incident thinking it was a "slam-fire" but then it continued target after target. I had some feeling, yet had no control over my fingers. I suppose I will have to contact Bill B, and Gordon E and get some more info on that liquid lubricant they have been discussing, it's got to be worth a try at least, don't ya think? At least I won the sporter before it started really getting bad, maybe saved some face at least? Any way, have a safe trip back to the frozen tundra and we will keep a bench warm for your return in the fall. Take care, be safe and stay in touch. Thumper
Hey guys, I truly enjoyed the IR 50 match this past Sunday. I also got to spend some quality time with my sister in Venice, FL. I want to thank "Doug Bell" for his hard work and dedication in running the "winter match program" at the Manatee Gun Club. Also want to thank Richard (?) a non-competitor, who shows up at the matches and scores the targets. He does a great job and takes some of the pressure off the match director. I had the opportunity to meet Bill Smith for the first time, he is a nice gentleman and I hope to attend some of his matches at Gateway in Jacksonville, down the road. I missed seeing Dick Volk, Pete Wass and Ernie J. who had already returned to their permanent residences. Hope you all enjoy a great summer back home. Good shooting to all, ... John Austen