Managing after cataract surgery.

Larry, are you going to Dr. Keenaum? she did the laser surgery on my retina. Good luck buddy. rogina
I had lazer vision correction at one of the largest and most advanced hospitals, (suposedly the best doc in the world). I chose to have corrected distance vision. This would force me to wear glasses while working at the lathe and mill. I had the first surgery done in December to use my flex spending monies. The surgery went great. I had my left eye done in January and the surgery results went ary. Over the next 3 and half years I had five subsequent (RK, AK, and PK procedures) surgeries to correct the issues caused by the surgery. After it was all over the surgeon said in another 8-10 years I would have to have cataract surgery( lens implants). I am now five years post the final surgery and my vision is not as good as it was five years ago. You should always wear safety glasses when shooting. I have found saftey glasses with magnification in the bottom (bought at National Welders) to be my best solution. My better half says I look like Adam Ant from the cartoons, but they are comfortable protect my eyes, and allow me to see both worlds.
Nat Lambeth
I did the 4 week check on my new lens today (actually 5 weeks - something about Christmas). My vision as is is 20/20 & with the tad of correction I need for my astigmatism, I can read the bottom line of the chart.

I'm programmed to have the left lens blasted & replaced with a full distance vision lens on the last day of January, in accordance with the advice I had from shooters here & elsewhere.. With any sort of luck, I'll be able to have shooting glasses with aberration correction by the end of February. Day to day, I'll be happy to operate without prescription spectacles, just a set of reading glasses because my shortest accommodation in the right eye is about 2 inches longer than by outstretched arm - dash instrument distance actually.


PS: Regarding Lasik, my specialist reckon that it's a little tricky to calculate the exact power of lens is needed if you get cataracts once that surgery is done.
There is another option called "Crystalens" where the new lens has little flaps that tie into the muscles that cause changes in focus. I have two friends with that. One likes it a lot and one had it done before it was fully perfected and has a few issues with night driving. We had a local doctor who was the world expert on these things but unfortunately he died before I could get mine. I don't know of another practitioner that I trust, and there are some reports of unhappy results on the web. I am nearly 62 and I am told I have slow growing cataracts. I am thinking of going with both lenses fitted for distance. I would be happy just to sharpen distance vision and get rid of my astigmatism. I would like to get glasses off my nose for part of the day. Now I use bifocals for out-and-about and single-vision lenses for computer work (8 hours per day at least). I am thinking that after surgery I would have a similar arrangement, but the top lens in my bifocals would be clear. The main difference would be that I wouldn't wear the bifocals near as often. For driving and TV watching I wouldn't need them. I might also be able to wear drug-store glasses for the closer work. Fitting two distance lenses would be good for hunting where I use a binocular frequently and don't often need close focusing. I talked to a bench rest shooter about 70 that had distance lenses done and wears trifocals. He was very happy. He said if you have any cataracts at all, fuss until your opthomologist agrees to do it. Tell him it's impacting your lifestyle negatively (ie: shooting). Incidentally, I and several friends use the Stallings SR Microsight for service rifle shooting and it is quite helpful, cataract lenses or not.
On postoperative management I think I should ask your doctor, because the only help you to cure the doctor just the most know about you. If you do STH without authorization decided to give your eyes do change, it is likely to cause harm to yourself. The eyes are very fragile, if I had a Laser cataract surgery I will adjust your work and life according to the doctor's advice.
I don't like the best is only the most suitable for you. Depending on your eyes recovery time, you should choose different glasses. In different periods before my uncle do bladeless cataract surgery, in the recovery phase, the doctor for he chose three glasses, they are used at different stages. For example, a month after the surgery, recovering for 3 months, the maintenance phase.